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Talk:Polybia sericea

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A Vespidae Project class review


This page had a lot of great detailed information. I added a bunch of internal links to explain what complicated anatomy terms you used were. I suggest if you have time add some external links on the bottom of the page, and if you can find a commons photo I would add that as well. I also rearranged your first couple of sections so that the ordering was taxonomy, description, then distribution. And I moved the nest description to the description section rather than the distribution section. If you can find more information about their habitat and distribution that would be great, but I know it's sometimes hard to find for obscure species. Besides those couple of small things though this article looks great. The sources are all cited correctly and the info on the page is pretty fleshed out, great job! Atkarp (talk) 21:37, 20 October 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Great article!


You did a very nice job! I know you probably looked for a picture, but if you can find one that would add a lot! Additionally, if you plan on making any future revisions, you could make intro description longer so that it touches on the different sections of the article. Under the section Taxonomy and phylogeny some words were connected without necessary spaces so I added spaces. Also it would have been helpful to include a few details about which species they are the most closely related to according do different phylogenies. I added a link to paraphyletic, and I adjusted a typo in the Description and identification section. For the Distribution and habitat section, this could be more specific since South America has a wide range of climates, altitudes, and ecosystems - I think this section would benefit greatly from adding specific information about which types of climates these wasps prefer. You have great descriptions about swarm emigration and colony cycle. It would also be helpful if you could include a description of word “malaxate” (hunting section). Lastly, I changed “amount” of queens to “number” of queens, and I changed m to meters. Very well-written article! Rey_ks (talk) 21:37, 23 October 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Peer Review


This is one of the most well-written articles that I've come across while reviewing wasp entries. You did a great job of explaining all of the concepts that you reference in this article, and overall your writing is very clear and engaging. I added a hyperlink for "pheromone" in order to provide readers with easy access to content that supplements the information presented in this article. I also added a hyperlink for "sternite", because this term could be confusing to a non-entomologist reader. The only additional suggestion for this paper is to add a little more detail to sections such as colony cycle and diet. Overall, a great article. Ruaha (talk) 05:38, 24 October 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Peer Edit


For this article I mainly made minor fixes like italicizing the species name in all cases and adding more wikilinks. This article also needs a picture to be included, which I’m sure will be added soon. Some of the sections are a little short and could use expansion. Specifically, I added information to the “Distribution and Habitat” section. This section was so vague as far as where this wasp species can be found. In the first article that was cited (“Predatory Behavior of Polybia sericea, a tropical wasp”) I found information stating that this wasp is found in the lower tropical Amazon regions of Brazil. They are usually also found near rivers. None of this information was included, so I added it in. The “Description and Identification” and “Colony Cycle” sections also could use expansion. Overall, the article is mostly complete and is an interesting read! Probertsg (talk) 03:34, 20 November 2014 (UTC)[reply]



Nothing in the present description of the insects' morphology shows why they are described as sericea, "silky. Long hairs on the gaster? Explaining the specific name is often interesting.--Wetman (talk) 19:32, 30 November 2014 (UTC)[reply]

"the lower tropical Amazon region of Brazil." If "lower" signifies the lower reaches of the river near it mouth, is the region of semi-arid caatinga intended? If so the zone might be mentioned and linked.--Wetman (talk) 20:29, 30 November 2014 (UTC)[reply]