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Talk:Police National Service Full-time Light Strike Force

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I wrote this article, based on my experience. I was in the pioneer batch of LSF. My info was correct up to 2003 only. So, readers are welcome to add, update or modify it if necessary.

-from kind singaporean , August 2005

Nonetheless, a big thank you for the information, which isnt exactly readily available just yet. I would hope you may come back and add more information if you are able! ;)--Huaiwei 16:38, 20 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Wow, seems a good place to serve NS! Slightly confused with PTU and LSF; Let's say for the recent demonstration at CPF building, which unit was sent to quell the protesters? Any info or your best guess?
Well, most people seem to think SOC = PTU and nothing else anyway. As for that demonstration, I seriously think they are merely NPCOs. Nothing unusual about that at all, and the press keeps calling them "riot police" just because they wore those anti-riot equipment. Kaoz...--Huaiwei 09:12, 21 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

From kind singaporean: Actually LSF is a little "brother" of Police Task Force (PTF), i.e smaller-version of PTF. I don't know whether PTF has been renamed (to PTU) since my departure but PTF was commonly known as "ang qia"(red vehicle in hokkien) many years ago. Compared with PTF, LSF was smaller say in terms of armament and manpower. I don't know how are things going on today but the vehicles LSF rode were small in the early years (that normal blue, ford vans we see on the roads nowadays). Each LSF squad WAS given 2 vans then, hell of stuffy that time because a lot things, weapons and riot gear. Just imagine 10 or more men squeezed into each van with all those arms and equipment, and even odor of sweat. The men were given 3-minute notice to move out in case there was an emergency.

As for recent demo at CPF, I have no clue whether any of SOC units was involved or not? The number of persons in this demo was small. However, I won't be surprised if SOC was there. If it was, then my likely guess is the LSF, though I don't rule out the PTF or even both. (Readers are reminded here that PTF is equipped to handle cases of armed and dangerous criminals or riots involve hundreds, not handle riots of a few people-it is too "big".).

The police tends to over-react sometimes but what it did at the CPF that day was right and proper...it was better be safe than letting an unapproved demo disturb public peace, and potentially snowballed out of control.-22 Aug 2005.

Ah...we would all be eternally grateful if you may add those information to the article(s), especially on the weapons, vehicles and organisation (provided they dont violate the ISA. :D) Cant be helped, as we simply dont have that much info from other sources. Btw, PTF has been renamed PTU since 2003. Managed to confirm this by refering to the SPF Annual Report 2004. ;)--Huaiwei 13:58, 22 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

From Kind Singaporean:Hello Huaiwei, seems like you r having difficulties of updating this article. I noticed there has been hardly any significant changes or updates at all since I first wrote this article. Lack of information I presume? -18 November 2005

Yeah lack of information obviously. Isnt that what this organisation wants in the first place? :D--Huaiwei 15:03, 27 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

From SG man - hi guys, I am new here, from KINS. commenting on the article. is it giving out too much info on our strentgh and number of men? Anyone can easily calculate and sizeup our response before creating a terror situation. Just my thoughts....Cheers.

Erm...does this article give you the strength and number of men in the unit today?--Huaiwei 15:03, 27 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

From Kind Singaporean to SG man: I already stated earlier that the information I gave was true right up to 2003, thus this article is a piece of history: a recollection of things and experiences that are already passed.

There have been a lot of changes in the SPF in the 2 years since then, many of which I am not aware of. Guess LSF had experienced "a wind of change" by now, who knows?

Besides, during my years there, LSF regularly used the parade square in SOC for their drills and other training purposes (and I guess they still do today). All these could be witnessed by residents in nearby HDB blocks with their naked eyes. Thus, LSF activities and going-ons then were no secret. Any Tom, Dick and Harry from outside could take a peek on us.

In view of these, I strongly believe that publishing this article is appropriate. I know where's my OB markers are. I thank SG man for his concern. -14 January 2006

From Kind Singaporean

Hi, Huawei. Seems to me that this article have not had any changes since I wrote this 3 years ago.

Just to say that this article may be of little relevance today as LSF is no longer around in SOC. Perhaps, you may wish to review this article to see whether to remove it or incorporate it in other police articles. !-) -19 July 2008.

Dear readers, this article is no longer accurate as LSF has been disbanded and absorbed into other units. This must be revised. - Kind Singaporeaan - 4 Oct 2020