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Talk:National Museum of Military Vehicles

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To NMMV staff


Hello there, Your edits to the Wikipedia article for NMMV are appreciated, however, the wikipedia policy on conflicts of interest strongly discourages direct editing of articles by company employees or other stakeholders. I've reverted the edits made for a variety of reasons, lack of secondary sources and company like brochure language, If you wish to keep some of that content, please discuss on this talk page. Thanks,


Thank you for the note - the previous edit is a very poor description of the museum, and our hope was to simply update the post to reflect, with pictures, an accurate description of the museum. We understand that company employees are discouraged, and we absolutely welcome edits that that might make this description even more accurate. We will work to add additional secondary sources now. I would hope you would not revert this post and wait to see whether others can make improvements. I would be happy to visit with you directly, if you would like. Thanks!