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Talk:Miroslav Filipović/Archive 2

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As stated earlier, and as cited in the link below, Filipovic was expelled from the Franciscans in 1942.

"Filopovic, sometimes known as Miroslov, was vicar of Petricevac parish. During 1941, after repeated warnings to keep out of Ustasha politics in Banja Luka, his Provincial transferred him to Rama. In February 1942 the Banja Luka coal mines were destroyed and an Ustasha unit was ordered to undertake a punitive expedition against the nearby Serbian villages of Drakulici, Motike and Sargovac. These villages were situated in Filopovic's former parish. Without permission, he returned to Banja Luka, became chaplain to the unit, and went with it to attack the villages ((RP 364-5)).

At a trial held by his Franciscan superiors, he claimed he went in order to identify the few Catholics in the villages so they would not be harmed. The Catholics, being Croats, would not have been involved in the destruction of the Mines. His superiors refused to accept his defence and expelled him from the Order in May 1942. Soon afterwards he left the priesthood and the Church ((SAA 28)). Stories of him as an ex-Catholic being at Mass daily till 1945 are without foundation."


The citations used in the above quote may be found on http://www.churchinhistory.org/pages/booklets/croatia(n)-4.htm

— Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs) 3 April 2008‎