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Bear Sinew


In the page about Tyr that links to this, a bear's "sinew" is described not as his muscles, but his "nerves" or "sensibility." In spite of that, this page links the word "sinew" to a page about muscles. I think it's fairly evident that bears still have muscles and that the explanation given in this article (along the lines of, "This is why bears no longer have sinews!") is laughable. I'm going to remove the link to prevent confusion, though perhaps it could be linked instead to something that makes sense. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 17:30, 14 May 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Good idea, linking to Wiktionary instead for now. Ranze (talk) 21:11, 9 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]
It's more like the "tender feelings" of bears. The elements of the chain are poorly described (or translated) here. Each one is humorous, ironic or is something that doesn't exist. (talk) 05:25, 25 December 2015 (UTC)Eric[reply]

Translating documents about Gleipnir


It's mentioned that this is written about in Gylfaginning. Would anyone know if any other documents referred to Gleipnir? Particularly its components? I'm wondering if we could look at parts that address it and how they are being translated.


  • when the Æsir enticed Fenris-Wolf to take upon him the fetter Gleipnir, the wolf did not believe them, that they would loose him, until they laid Týr's hand into his mouth as a pledge
  • Then Allfather sent him who is called Skírnir, Freyr's messenger, down into the region of the Black Elves, to certain dwarves, and caused to be made the fetter named Gleipnir. It was made of six things: the noise a cat makes in foot-fall, the beard of a woman, the roots of a rock, the sinews of a bear, the breath of a fish, and the spittle of a bird.

Modern Icelandic:

  • Það er eitt mark um djarfleik hans, þá er æsir lokkuðu Fenrisúlf til þess að leggja fjöturinn á hann, Gleipni, þá trúði hann þeim eigi að þeir myndu leysa hann fyrr en þeir lögðu honum að veði hönd Týs í munn úlfsins.
  • Þá sendi Alföður þann er Skírnir er nefndur, sendimaður Freys, ofan í Svartálfaheim til dverga nokkurra og lét gera fjötur þann er Gleipnir heitir. Hann var gjör af sex hlutum: Af dyn kattarins og af skeggi konunnar og af rótum bjargsins og af sinum bjarnarins og af anda fisksins og af fugls hráka.

Old Norse:

  • Þat er eitt mark um djarfleik hans, þá er æsir lokkuðu Fenrisúlf til þess at leggja fjöturinn á hann, Gleipni, þá trúði hann þeim eigi, at þeir mundu leysa hann, fyrr en þeir lögðu honum at veði hönd Týs í munn hans, en þá er æsir vildu eigi leysa hann, þá beit hann höndina af, þar er nú heitir úlfliðr, ok er hann einhendr ok ekki kallaðr sættir manna.
  • Þá sendi Alföðr þann, er Skírnir er nefndr, sendimaðr Freys, ofan í Svartálfaheim til dverga nökkurra ok lét gera fjötur þann, er Gleipnir heitir. Hann var gerr af sex hlutum: af dyn kattarins ok af skeggi konunnar ok af rótum bjargsins ok af sinum bjarnarins ok af anda fisksins ok af fugls hráka.

I bolded the parts which look to be the words for Gleipnir and bear sinews so they stand out more for comparison. Do they look to be the right parts? Are we sure that 'sinum' actually means tendons?

This supposedly is the original manuscripts. Would anyone know where to look in here for the passage pertaining to Gleipnir so we could get an even more raw quote of the 2 passages that pertain to it? Looking to address the concern of the 2009 poster's inquiry. Ranze (talk) 21:23, 9 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]



The answer to what Gleipnir is....is nonsense.

Nonsense is what binds The Wolf of Hunger till Ragnarok.

The Sinew's of a Bear are impossible to get, because it takes more than a mere man to take down a bear. It takes the quality of Berserkrs, who are Bear-Shirted in their Ethos.

The nonsensical institutions which compose civilization are chain Gleipnir. Each institution represents a link in the chain of control.

Just thought I'd "feed the beast" so to speak...by giving you all..."nonsense". HAHAHAHAHA! (talk) 08:20, 28 April 2014 (UTC)[reply]