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===Reagan Administration===
===Reagan Administration===
The "rollback" movement gained significant ground, however, in the 1980s, as the [[Reagan administration]], urged on by the [[Heritage Foundation]] and other influential conservatives, began to channel weapons to anti-communist armed movements in [[Afghanistan]], [[Angola]], [[Cambodia]], [[Nicaragua]] and other nations, and launched a [[Invasion of Grenada|successful invasion of Grenada in 1983]] to reinstate constitutional government following a Marxist coup — this invasion was a dramatic example of rolling back a Communist government in power.<ref>{{cite book|author=Thomas Carothers|title=In the Name of Democracy: U.S. Policy Toward Latin America in the Reagan Years|url=http://books.google.com/books?id=1NDaha23lSAC&pg=PA113|year=1993|publisher=U. of California Press|pages=113–15}}</ref> It led Moscow to worry that it might be next.<ref>Vladislav Martinovich Zubok. ''A failed empire: the Soviet Union in the Cold War from Stalin to Gorbachev'' (2007) p. 275</ref>

The "rollback" movement gained significant ground, however, in the 1980s, as the [[Reagan administration]], urged on by the [[Heritage Foundation]] and other influential conservatives, launched a controversial but [[Invasion of Grenada|successful invasion of Grenada in 1983]] to reinstate constitutional government following a Marxist coup — this invasion was a dramatic example of rolling back a Communist government in power.<ref>{{cite book|author=Thomas Carothers|title=In the Name of Democracy: U.S. Policy Toward Latin America in the Reagan Years|url=http://books.google.com/books?id=1NDaha23lSAC&pg=PA113|year=1993|publisher=U. of California Press|pages=113–15}}</ref>
Reagan's interventions in the Third World came to be known as the [[Reagan Doctrine]]. It was applied especially to pro-Communist regimes in Central America, as in Grenada and Nicaragua, and was also extended to Angola, Afghanistan, and Cambodia.<ref>{{cite book|author=Alexander DeConde. ed.|title=Encyclopedia of American foreign policy|url=http://books.google.com/books?id=eUIOAQAAMAAJ|year=2002|publisher=Scribner|page=273}}</ref>

Critics argued that the Reagan Doctrine led to so-called [[Blowback (intelligence)|blowback]] and an unnecessary intensification of Third World conflict. On the other hand, in the various rollback battlefields, the Soviet Union made major concessions, and eventually had to abandon the [[Soviet-Afghan war]]. Jessica Martin writes, "Insofar as rollback is concerned, American support for rebels, especially in Afghanistan, at the time helped to drain Soviet coffers and tax its human resources, contributing to that nation's overall crisis and eventual disintegration."<ref>{{cite book|title=Encyclopedia of the Cold War|url=http://books.google.com/books?id=rUdmyzkw9q4C&pg=PA751|year=2008|publisher=Taylor & Francis US|page=751}}</ref><ref>James Mann, ''The Rebellion of Ronald Reagan: A History of the End of the Cold War'' (2009)</ref>
Reagan's interventions in the Third World came to be known as the [[Reagan Doctrine]]. Critics argued that the Reagan Doctrine led to so-called [[Blowback (intelligence)|blowback]] and an unnecessary intensification of Third World conflict.

Nationalistic unrest in the Soviet Empire exploded in 1989, as the Eastern European satellites all broke free and rolled back Communism peacefully<ref>There was limited violence in Rumania.</ref>. East Germany merged with West Germany. In 1991 the fifteen Soviet Socialist Republics declared their laws superior to those of the Soviet Union, and the Soviet Union ceased to exist on December 25, 1991, as Communism was rolled back across all of Europe.<ref>{{cite book|author=Victor Rosenberg|title=Soviet-American relations, 1953-1960: diplomacy and cultural exchange during the Eisenhower presidency|url=http://books.google.com/books?id=Y611AAAAMAAJ|year=2005|publisher=McFarland & Co.|page=260}}</ref>
However as a policy, containment arguably had much greater impact in the Reagan era, with the [[Soviet occupation of Afghanistan]] being defeated with the help of multinational [[Soviet war in Afghanistan#Foreign_involvement_and_U.S._aid_to_the_mujahideen|foreign aid to Afghan insurgents]] in an ten-year guerilla war - a policy which began during the [[Presidency of Jimmy Carter#Intervention in Afghanistan|Carter Administration]]. Jessica Martin writes, "Insofar as rollback is concerned, American support for rebels, especially in Afghanistan, at the time helped to drain Soviet coffers and tax its human resources, contributing to that nation's overall crisis and eventual disintegration."<ref>{{cite book|title=Encyclopedia of the Cold War|url=http://books.google.com/books?id=rUdmyzkw9q4C&pg=PA751|year=2008|publisher=Taylor & Francis US|page=751}}</ref>

Ultimately, there is limited evidence for the success of rollback policies against the Soviet Union, which disintegrated of its own accord in 1991 following a series of largely peaceful [[Revolutions of 1989|revolutions in satellite countries]], which followed Soviet Premier [[Mikhail Gorbachev]]'s [[Sinatra Doctrine|abandonment of military support for Eastern European dictatorships]].

==Further reading==
==Further reading==

Revision as of 14:42, 12 September 2012

In political science, rollback is the strategy of forcing change in the major policies of a state, usually by replacing its ruling regime. It contrasts with containment, which means preventing the expansion of that state; and with détente, which means a working relationship with that state. Most of the discussions of rollback in the scholarly literature deal with United States foreign policy toward Communist countries during the Cold War. The rollback strategy was tried, and failed, in Korea in 1950, and in Cuba in 1961.

The political leadership of the United States discussed the use of rollback during the uprising of 1953 in East Germany and the Hungarian Revolution of 1956, but decided against it to avoid the risk of Soviet intervention and a major war.[1] When Republican Senator Barry Goldwater demanded Why Not Victory?, the title of his 1962 book, he was defeated in a landslide in 1964 because of the risk of nuclear war with the Soviets.[2]

The rollback strategy succeeded in Grenada in 1983. Ronald Reagan promoted a rollback strategy against what he called the "evil empire" (the Soviet Union) in the 1980s. NATO has deployed a rollback strategy in Afghanistan since 2001 to end the power of the Taliban.[3] Rollback of governments hostile to the U.S. took place in the American Civil War (1861–65), World War I (against Germany 1918), World War II (against Italy 1943, Germany 1945 and Japan 1945), 1953 Iranian coup d'état, (against Mohammad Mosaddegh), Chile (against Salvador Allende in 1973), Panama (against Noriega, 1989), and Iraq (against Saddam Hussein 2003). Today rollback is sometimes called "regime change".

Rollback during the Cold War

Early years

In American strategic language, rollback is the policy of totally annihilating an enemy army and occupying the country, as was done in the American Civil War to the Confederacy, and in World War II to Germany and Japan.[4]

The notion of military rollback against the Soviet Union was proposed by James Burnham[5] and other strategists in the late 1940s, and by the Truman Administration against North Korea in the Korean War. Much debated was the question whether the U.S. should pursue a rollback strategy against Communism in Eastern Europe in 1953-56; the decision was not to.[6]

Instead of military rollback the U.S. began a program of long-term psychological warfare to delegitimize Communist and pro-Communist regimes and help insurgents. These attempts began as early as 1945 in Eastern Europe, including efforts to provide weapons to independence fighters in the Baltic States and Ukraine. Another early effort was against Albania in 1949, following the defeat of Communist forces in the Greek Civil War that year. In this case, a force of agents was landed by the British and Americans to try to provoke a guerrilla war, but it failed. The operation had already been betrayed to the Soviets by the British double-agent, Kim Philby and led to the immediate capture or killing of the agents.[7] The process proved most successful in undermining the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan in the 1980s.[8]


In the Korean War, the United States and the United Nations officially endorsed a policy of rollback - the destruction of the North Korean government - and sent UN forces across the 38th parallel to take over North Korea.[9] The rollback strategy, however, caused the Chinese to intervene, and they pushed the UN forces back to the 38th parallel. The failure of the rollback policy, despite its advocacy by Gen. Douglas MacArthur, moved the United States to a commitment to the containment policy, without rollback.[10]


A more ambitious effort was Operation Paper in November 1950; this included the arming and supplying of remnant Nationalist Chinese troops in eastern Burma, the 93rd Division under General Li Mi, to invade the southern Chinese province of Yunnan. All of Li Mi's brief forays into China were swiftly repulsed, and after another failure in August 1952, the United States began to scale back its support.[11]

Eisenhower and Dulles

Republican spokesman John Foster Dulles took the lead in promoting a rollback policy. He wrote in 1949:

We should make it clear to the tens of millions of restive subject people in Eastern Europe and Asia, that we do not accept the status quo of servitude and aggressive Soviet Communism has imposed on them, and eventual liberation is an essential and enduring part of our foreign policy.[12]

The 1952 Republican national platform reaffirmed this position; when Dwight D. Eisenhower was elected, he appointed Dulles as secretary of state. Eisenhower adviser Charles Douglas Jackson to coordinate psychological warfare against Communism. Radio Free Europe, a private agency funded by Congress, broadcast attacks on Communism directed to Eastern Europe.[13] A strategic alternative to rollback was containment, and the Eisenhower Administration adopted containment through National Security Council document NSC 162/2 in October 1953; this effectively abandoned the rollback efforts in Europe.

Eisenhower relied on clandestine CIA actions to undermine hostile small governments and used economic and military foreign aid to strengthened governments supporting the American position in the Cold War. A successful rollback was the CIA's Operation Ajax in August 1953, in collaboration with the British, which assisted the Iranian military in their restoration of the Shah.[14]


Eisenhower's decision not to intervene during the Hungarian Uprising of 1956 made containment a safer strategy than rollback, which risked a nuclear confrontation with the Soviet Union.

Critics argue that an important opportunity for rollback was forfeited in October–November 1956, when Hungarian reformist leader Imre Nagy announced Hungary's withdrawal from the Warsaw Pact, and when he and Hungarian insurgents called on the West for help against invading Soviet troops. Eisenhower thought it too risky to intervene in a landlocked country such as Hungary and feared it might trigger a nuclear war with the Soviet Union. His Secretary of State John Foster Dulles mistakenly believed that Imre Nagy sided with the Soviet Union.

On October 25, 1956, he sent a telegram to the US embassy in Belgrade expressing his fears that the Imre Nagy-János Kádár government might take “reprisals” against the Hungarian “freedom fighters.” By the next day, October 26, State Department officials in Washington assumed the worst about Nagy, asserting in a top secret memorandum: “Nagy's appeal for Soviet troops indicates, at least superficially, that there are not any open differences between the Soviet and Hungarian governments.” [15][16]

Both Eisenhower and Dulles focused more attention on the Suez Crisis, which due to the Protocol of Sèvres, unfolded simultaneously. The Suez Crisis played an extremely important role in hampering the US response to the crisis in Hungary. The problem was not, contrary to widespread belief, that Suez distracted US attention from Hungary, but that it made the condemnation of Soviet actions very difficult. As Vice President Richard Nixon later explained: "We couldn't on one hand, complain about the Soviets intervening in Hungary and, on the other hand, approve of the British and the French picking that particular time to intervene against Gamal Abdel Nasser."[6]

Reagan Administration

The "rollback" movement gained significant ground, however, in the 1980s, as the Reagan administration, urged on by the Heritage Foundation and other influential conservatives, began to channel weapons to anti-communist armed movements in Afghanistan, Angola, Cambodia, Nicaragua and other nations, and launched a successful invasion of Grenada in 1983 to reinstate constitutional government following a Marxist coup — this invasion was a dramatic example of rolling back a Communist government in power.[17] It led Moscow to worry that it might be next.[18]

Reagan's interventions in the Third World came to be known as the Reagan Doctrine. It was applied especially to pro-Communist regimes in Central America, as in Grenada and Nicaragua, and was also extended to Angola, Afghanistan, and Cambodia.[19]

Critics argued that the Reagan Doctrine led to so-called blowback and an unnecessary intensification of Third World conflict. On the other hand, in the various rollback battlefields, the Soviet Union made major concessions, and eventually had to abandon the Soviet-Afghan war. Jessica Martin writes, "Insofar as rollback is concerned, American support for rebels, especially in Afghanistan, at the time helped to drain Soviet coffers and tax its human resources, contributing to that nation's overall crisis and eventual disintegration."[20][21]

Nationalistic unrest in the Soviet Empire exploded in 1989, as the Eastern European satellites all broke free and rolled back Communism peacefully[22]. East Germany merged with West Germany. In 1991 the fifteen Soviet Socialist Republics declared their laws superior to those of the Soviet Union, and the Soviet Union ceased to exist on December 25, 1991, as Communism was rolled back across all of Europe.[23]

Further reading

  • Bodenheimer, Thomas, and Robert Gould. Rollback!: Right-wing Power in U.S. Foreign Policy (1999), hostile to the strategy
  • Bowie, Robert R., and Richard H. Immerman. Waging Peace: How Eisenhower Shaped an Enduring Cold War Strategy (1998).
  • Borhi, László. "Rollback, Liberation, Containment, or Inaction?: U.S. Policy and Eastern Europe in the 1950s," Journal of Cold War Studies, Fall 1999, Vol. 1 Issue 3, pp 67–110
  • Grose, Peter. Operation Roll Back: America's Secret War behind the Iron Curtain (2000) online review
  • Lesh, Bruce. "Limited War or a Rollback of Communism?: Truman, MacArthur, and the Korean Conflict," OAH Magazine of History, Oct 2008, Vol. 22 Issue 4, pp 47–53
  • Meese III, Edwin. "Rollback: Intelligence and the Reagan strategy in the developing world," in Peter Schweizer, ed., The fall of the Berlin wall (2000), pp 77–86
  • Mitrovich. Gregory. Undermining the Kremlin: America's Strategy to Subvert the Soviet Bloc 1947-1956 (2000)
  • Stöver, Bernd. "Rollback: an offensive strategy for the Cold War," in Detlef Junker, ed. United States and Germany in the era of the Cold War, 1945 to 1990, A handbook: volume 1: 1945--1968 (2004) pp. 97–102.

Primary sources

  • Burnham, James. Struggle for the World (1947)


  1. ^ Stöver, 2004
  2. ^ Rick Perlstein, Before the Storm: Barry Goldwater and the Unmaking of the American Consensus (2002)
  3. ^ John Allphin Moore and Jerry Pubantz, eds. Encyclopedia of the United Nations (2008) vol. 2 p. 7
  4. ^ Russell F. Weigley, The American Way of War: A History of United States Military Strategy and Policy (1977) pp 145, 239, 325, 382, 391
  5. ^ Daniel Kelly, James Burnham and the struggle for the world: a life (2002) p. 155
  6. ^ a b László Borhi, Rollback, Liberation, Containment, or Inaction? U.S. Policy and Eastern Europe in the 1950s, Journal of Cold War Studies, 1.3 (1999), pp 67-110
  7. ^ "Tim Weiner, Legacy of Ashes: The History of the CIA (New York: Doubleday, 2007), 45-46."
  8. ^ James M. Scott, Deciding to intervene: the Reagan doctrine and American foreign policy (1996) p 40
  9. ^ James I. Matray, "Truman's Plan for Victory: National Self-Determination and the Thirty-Eighth Parallel Decision in Korea," Journal of American History, Sept 1979, Vol. 66 Issue 2, pp 314-333, in JSTOR
  10. ^ Bruce Cumings, The Korean War: A History (2010) pp 25, 210
  11. ^ "Alfred W. McCoy, The Politics of Heroin (Chicago: Lawrence Hill Books/ Chicago Review Press, 2001), 168-74; Victor S. Kaufman, “Trouble in the Golden Triangle: The United States, Taiwan and the 93rd Nationalist Division,” China Quarterly, No. 166 (June 2001), 440-56."
  12. ^ Stöver, p. 98
  13. ^ Arch Puddington, Broadcasting Freedom: The Cold War Triumph of Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty (2003)
  14. ^ John Prados, Safe for Democracy: The Secret Wars of the CIA, (2009) ch. 6
  15. ^ Johanna Granville, "Caught With Jam on Our Fingers”: Radio Free Europe and the Hungarian Revolution in 1956” Diplomatic History, vol. 29, no. 5 (2005): pp. 811-839
  16. ^ Granville, Johanna (2004). The First Domino: International Decision Making During the Hungarian Crisis of 1956. Texas A & M University Press, College Station, Texas. ISBN 1-58544-298-4.
  17. ^ Thomas Carothers (1993). In the Name of Democracy: U.S. Policy Toward Latin America in the Reagan Years. U. of California Press. pp. 113–15.
  18. ^ Vladislav Martinovich Zubok. A failed empire: the Soviet Union in the Cold War from Stalin to Gorbachev (2007) p. 275
  19. ^ Alexander DeConde. ed. (2002). Encyclopedia of American foreign policy. Scribner. p. 273. {{cite book}}: |author= has generic name (help)
  20. ^ Encyclopedia of the Cold War. Taylor & Francis US. 2008. p. 751.
  21. ^ James Mann, The Rebellion of Ronald Reagan: A History of the End of the Cold War (2009)
  22. ^ There was limited violence in Rumania.
  23. ^ Victor Rosenberg (2005). Soviet-American relations, 1953-1960: diplomacy and cultural exchange during the Eisenhower presidency. McFarland & Co. p. 260.