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Image:Peace symbol.svg|The [[Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament]] symbol, designed in 1958. It later became a universal [[peace symbol]] used in many different versions worldwide.<ref name=BBCprotestsymbol>{{cite web |url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/7292252.stm |title=BBC NEWS : Magazine : World's best-known protest symbol turns 50 |date=20 March 2008 |accessdate=2008-05-25}}</ref>
Image:Englishsm.png|The "Smiling Sun" icon of the anti-nuclear movement. Originated from the Danish Antinuclear Movement.<ref>[[World Information Service on Energy|WISE]] has badges and stickers in 35 languages. [http://www.antenna.nl/wise WISE].</ref>{{not in source}}
Image:Englishsm.png|The "Smiling Sun" icon of the anti-nuclear movement. Originated from the Danish Antinuclear Movement.<ref>[[World Information Service on Energy|WISE]] has badges and stickers in 35 languages. [http://www.antenna.nl/wise WISE].</ref>{{not in source}}
Image:Nuclear hand.png|Another high profile anti-nuclear symbol, which is a variation on the international radiation symbol.
Image:Nuclear hand.png|Another high profile anti-nuclear symbol, which is a variation on the international radiation symbol.

Revision as of 19:30, 16 January 2010

Anti-nuclear protests in Bonn, Germany, on October 14, 1979.
Anti-nuclear demonstration in Colmar, north-eastern France, on October 3, 2009.

The anti-nuclear movement is an international social movement that opposes the use of various nuclear technologies. Many grassroots organizations, professional groups, and political parties have identified themselves with the movement. The initial objective of the anti-nuclear movement was nuclear disarmament. Later the focus began to shift to other issues, mainly opposition to the use of nuclear power. Major anti-nuclear groups include Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace, International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, and the Nuclear Information and Resource Service.

There have been many large anti-nuclear demonstrations and protests. A protest against nuclear power occurred in June 1976 in Bilbao, Spain, with 200,000 people in attendance. Following the Three Mile Island accident in 1979, an anti-nuclear protest was held in New York City, involving 200,000 people. In 1981, Germany's largest anti-nuclear power demonstration took place to protest against the Brokdorf Nuclear Power Plant west of Hamburg; some 100,000 people came face to face with 10,000 police officers. The largest anti-nuclear protest was a 1983 nuclear weapons protest in West Berlin which had about 600,000 participants. In May 1986, following the Chernobyl disaster, an estimated 150,000 to 200,000 people marched in Rome to protest against the Italian nuclear program.

For many years after the 1986 Chernobyl disaster nuclear power was off the policy agenda in most countries, and the anti-nuclear power movement seemed to have won its case. Some anti-nuclear groups disbanded. More recently, however, following public relations activities by the nuclear industry, and concerns about climate change, nuclear power issues have come back into energy policy discussions in some countries. Anti-nuclear activity has increased correspondingly and countries such as Australia and Ireland remain opposed to the use of nuclear power.

History and issues

Roots of the movement

The Trinity explosion, 0.016 seconds after detonation. The fireball is about 200 meters (600 ft) wide. Trees may be seen as black objects in the foreground for comparison.
Mushroom-shaped cloud and water column from the underwater nuclear explosion of July 25, 1946, which was part of Operation Crossroads. The Wilson cloud has lifted revealing the fully formed spray column. The black area on the right of the column marks the position of the battleship Arkansas.
November 1951 nuclear test at Nevada Test Site. Test is shot "Dog" from Operation Buster, with a yield of 21 kilotons. It was the first U.S. nuclear field exercise conducted on land; troops shown are 6 mi (9.7 km) from the blast.
The Shippingport Atomic Power Station was the first full-scale PWR nuclear power plant in the United States. The reactor went online December 2, 1957, and was in operation until October, 1982.

The application of nuclear technology, both as a source of energy and as an instrument of war, has been controversial.[1][2][3]

In 1945 in the New Mexico desert, American scientists conducted “Trinity,” the first nuclear weapons test, marking the beginning of the atomic age.[4] Even before the Trinity test, national leaders debated the impact of nuclear weapons on domestic and foreign policy. The atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the end of World War II quickly followed the Trinity test, and the world’s nuclear weapons stockpiles grew.[4]

Also involved in the debate about nuclear weapons policy was the scientific community, through professional associations such as the Federation of Atomic Scientists and the Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs.[5] In the United Kingdom, the first Aldermaston March organised by the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament took place at Easter 1958, when several thousand people marched for four days from Trafalgar Square, London, to the Atomic Weapons Research Establishment close to Aldermaston in Berkshire, England, to demonstrate their opposition to nuclear weapons.[6][7] In 1962, Linus Pauling won the Nobel Peace Prize for his work to stop the atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons, and the "Ban the Bomb" movement spread.[5]

In the United States, the first commercially viable nuclear power plant was to be built at Bodega Bay, north of San Francisco, but the proposal was controversial and conflict with local citizens began in 1958.[8] The proposed plant site was close to the San Andreas fault and close to the region's environmentally sensitive fishing and dairy industries. The Sierra Club became actively involved.[9] The conflict ended in 1964, with the forced abandonment of plans for the power plant. Historian Thomas Wellock traces the birth of the anti-nuclear movement to the controversy over Bodega Bay.[8] Attempts to build a nuclear power plant in Malibu were similar to those at Bodega Bay and were also abandoned.[8]

In 1966, Larry Bogart founded the Citizens Energy Council, a coalition of environmental groups that published the newsletters "Radiation Perils," "Watch on the A.E.C." and "Nuclear Opponents". These publications argued that "nuclear power plants were too complex, too expensive and so inherently unsafe they would one day prove to be a financial disaster and a health hazard".[10][11]

In 1971, 15,000 people demonstrated against French plans to locate the first light-water reactor power plant in Bugey. This was the first of a series of mass protests organized at nearly every planned nuclear site in France.[12]

Also in 1971, the town of Wyhl, in Germany, was a possible site for a nuclear power station. In the years that followed, public opposition steadily mounted, and there were large protests. Television coverage of police dragging away farmers and their wives helped to turn nuclear power into a major issue. In 1975, an administrative court withdrew the construction licence for the plant,[13][14][15] but the Wyhl occupation generated ongoing debate. This initially centred on the state government's handling of the affair and associated police behaviour, but interest in nuclear issues was also stimulated. The Wyhl experience encouraged the formation of citizen action groups near other planned nuclear sites.[13] Many other anti-nuclear groups formed elsewhere, in support of these local struggles, and some existing citizens' action groups widened their aims to include the nuclear issue.[13] Anti-nuclear success at Wyhl also inspired nuclear opposition in the rest of Europe and North America.[14]

In Spain, in response to a surge in nuclear power plant proposals in the 1960s, a strong anti-nuclear movement emerged in 1973, which ultimately impeded the realisation of most of the projects.[16]

In 1974, organic farmer Sam Lovejoy took a crowbar to the weather-monitoring tower which had been erected at the Montague Nuclear Power Plant site. Lovejoy felled the tower and then took himself to the local police station, where he took full responsibility for the action. Lovejoy's action galvanized local public opinion against the plant.[17][18] The Montague project was canceled in 1980,[19] after $29 million was spent on the project.[17]

By the mid-1970s anti-nuclear activism had moved beyond local protests and politics to gain a wider appeal and influence. Although it lacked a single co-ordinating organization, and did not have uniform goals, the movement's efforts gained a great deal of attention.[2]

Anti-nuclear concerns

Much early opposition to nuclear power was expressed in environmental terms: thermal pollution of waterways, known and postulated reactor accidents, potential release of radiation during shipments, and still-developing means for long-term radioactive waste storage and disposal. The environmental movement made such concerns well-known. By the time of the rise of New England's Clamshell Alliance, California's Abalone Alliance, and dozens of similar regional groups dedicated to stopping the growth of nuclear power through nonviolent civil disobedience based actions, points of opposition had expanded from concerns about pollution and proliferation to include concerns about economic viability and terrorist target threats.[20]

Opponents of nuclear energy used the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty of 1968 to reinforce the connections between the international export and development of nuclear power technologies and the proliferation of nuclear weapons. The facilities and expertise to produce nuclear power can be readily adapted to produce nuclear weapons.[21][22]

Because nuclear power has always been a technology which requires and employs specialists, some individuals view it as an elitist technology.[23] Nuclear power is centralised energy, in both a physical and political sense. It allows a small number of scientific, political and economic elites to make key decisions about energy.[21]

President Jimmy Carter leaving the Three Mile Island accident for Middletown, Pennsylvania, April 1, 1979.
The abandoned city of Prypiat, Ukraine, following the Chernobyl disaster. The Chernobyl nuclear power plant is in the background.

Nuclear power plants are some of the most sophisticated and complex energy systems ever designed,[24] and anti-nuclear critics have seen nuclear power as a dangerous, expensive way to boil water to generate electricity.[25] Any complex system, no matter how well it is designed and engineered, cannot be deemed failure-proof. This is especially true if people are required to operate controls that dictate how the system functions.[26] Stephanie Cooke has reported that:

The reactors themselves were enormously complex machines with an incalculable number of things that could go wrong. When that happened at Three Mile Island in 1979, another fault line in the nuclear world was exposed. One malfunction led to another, and then to a series of others, until the core of the reactor itself began to melt, and even the world's most highly trained nuclear engineers did not know how to respond. The accident revealed serious deficiencies in a system that was meant to protect public health and safety.[27]

Nuclear accidents are often cited by anti-nuclear groups as evidence of the inherent danger of nuclear power.[21] The worst nuclear accident in history is the Chernobyl disaster. Other serious nuclear and radiation accidents include the Mayak disaster, Soviet submarine K-431 accident, Soviet submarine K-19 accident, Three Mile Island accident, Costa Rica radiotherapy accident, Zaragoza radiotherapy accident, Goiania accident, Windscale fire, Church Rock Uranium Mill Spill and the SL-1 accident.

Also, according to anti-nuclear organisations, rendering nuclear waste harmless is not being done satisfactorily and it remains a hazard for anywhere between a few years to many thousands of years. There is an "international consensus on the advisability of storing nuclear waste in deep underground repositories",[28] but no country in the world has yet opened such a site.[28][29][30][31][32]

Some anti-nuclear groups also oppose research into nuclear fusion power.[33]

Nuclear-free alternatives

Three renewable energy sources: solar energy, wind power, and biomass.

Anti-nuclear groups generally claim that reliance on nuclear energy can be reduced by adopting energy conservation and energy efficiency measures. Anti-nuclear groups also favour the use of renewable energy, such as biomass (wood fuel and biofuel), wind power and solar power.[34] According to the International Energy Agency, renewable energy technologies are essential contributors to the energy supply portfolio, as they contribute to world energy security, reduce dependency on fossil fuels, and provide opportunities for mitigating greenhouse gases.[35] Fossil fuels are being replaced by clean, climate-stabilizing, non-depletable sources of energy:

...the transition from coal, oil, and gas to wind, solar, and geothermal energy is well under way. In the old economy, energy was produced by burning something — oil, coal, or natural gas — leading to the carbon emissions that have come to define our economy. The new energy economy harnesses the energy in wind, the energy coming from the sun, and heat from within the earth itself.[36]

Greenpeace advocates reduction of fossil fuels by 50% by 2050 as well as phasing out nuclear energy, contending that innovative technologies can increase energy efficiency, and suggests that by 2050 the majority of electricity will be generated from renewable sources.[37] The International Energy Agency estimates that nearly 50% of global electricity supplies will need to come from renewable energy sources in order to halve carbon dioxide emissions by 2050 and minimise significant, irreversible climate change impacts.[38]

Anti-nuclear organisations

Logo of Nuclear Information and Resource Service
Logo of Nuclear Information and Resource Service

The anti-nuclear movement is an international social movement, and grassroots organizations, professional groups,[39] and political parties have identified themselves with the movement. Some of these organisations are reported to have developed considerable expertise on nuclear power and energy issues.[40] In 1992, the chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission said that "his agency had been pushed in the right direction on safety issues because of the pleas and protests of nuclear watchdog groups".[41]

International organisations

National and local


A symbol of the anti-nuclear movement is a smiling red sun, usually on a yellow background. It is often accompanied by the slogan "Nuclear power? No thanks!" This symbol has its roots in the Danish anti-nuclear movement in the 1970s and has since gained worldwide usage.[citation needed]

A symbol of resistance against nuclear waste transport is a (mostly yellow) X. This symbol is newer than the smiling sun. It originated in the German anti-nuclear movement.[citation needed]


Large protests

Demonstration against nuclear tests in Lyon, France, in the 1980s.
Anti-nuclear demonstrations near Gorleben, Lower Saxony, Germany, 8 May 1996.

In 1971, 15,000 people demonstrated against French plans to locate the first light-water reactor power plant in Bugey. This was the first of a series of mass protests organized at nearly every planned nuclear site in France until the massive demonstration at the Superphénix breeder reactor in Creys-Malvillein in 1977 culminated in violence.[12]

The largest protest against nuclear power may have been on July 13, 1976 in Bilbao, Spain when 200,000 have been estimated to be in attendance; its platform was to have public votes on nuclear plants.[44]

In the Philippines, a focal point for protests in the late 1970s and 1980s was the proposed Bataan Nuclear Power Plant, which was built but never operated.[45] The project was criticised for being a potential threat to public health, especially since the plant was located in an earthquake zone.[45]

In 1981, Germany's largest anti-nuclear power demonstration took place to protest against the construction of the Brokdorf Nuclear Power Plant on the North Sea coast west of Hamburg. Some 100,000 people came face to face with 10,000 police officers. Twenty-one policemen were injured by demonstrators armed with gasoline bombs, sticks, stones and high-powered slingshots.[46][47][48]

Beginning in 1982, an annual series of Christian peace vigils called the "Lenten Desert Experience" were held over a period of several weeks at a time, at the entrance to the Nevada Test Site in the USA. This led to a faith-based aspect of the nuclear disarmament movement and the formation of the anti-nuclear Nevada Desert Experience group.[49]

The largest anti-nuclear protest was most likely a 1983 nuclear weapons protest in West Berlin which had about 600,000 participants.[50] In the UK, on 1 April 1983, about 70,000 people linked arms to form a human chain between three nuclear weapons centres in Berkshire. The anti-nuclear demonstration stretched for 14 miles along the Kennet Valley.[51]

In May 1986, following the Chernobyl disaster, clashes between anti-nuclear protesters and West German police became common. More than 400 people were injured in mid-May at the site of a nuclear-waste reprocessing plant being built near Wackersdorf. Police "used water cannons and dropped tear-gas grenades from helicopters to subdue protesters armed with slingshots, crowbars and Molotov cocktails".[52] Also in May 1986, an estimated 150,000 to 200,000 people marched in Rome to protest against the Italian nuclear program, and 50,000 marched in Milan.[53] Hundreds of people walked from Los Angeles to Washington DC in 1986 in what is referred to as the Great Peace March for Global Nuclear Disarmament. The march took nine months to traverse 3,700 miles (6,000 km), advancing approximately fifteen miles per day.[54]

The Soviet Union conducted 456 nuclear weapons tests at the Semipalatinsk Test Site, in north-east Kazakhstan, between 1949 and 1989.[55] The anti-nuclear organisation "Nevada Semipalatinsk" was formed in 1989 and was one of the first major anti-nuclear groups in the former Soviet Union. It attracted thousands of people to its protests and campaigns which eventually led to the closure of the nuclear test site at Semipalatinsk in 1991. The United Nations believes that one million people were exposed to radiation and babies are still being born with genetic abnormalities in towns and villages around Semipalatinsk.[56][57][58]

The largest anti-nuclear petition was against nuclear weapons and had 32 million signatures.[59]

Protests in the United States

Anti-nuclear protest at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, in 1979, following the Three Mile Island Accident.

The American public were concerned about the release of radioactive gas from the Three Mile Island accident in 1979 and many mass demonstrations took place across the country in the following months. The largest one was held in New York City in September 1979 and involved two hundred thousand people; speeches were given by Jane Fonda and Ralph Nader.[60][61][62]

Other notable anti-nuclear protests in the United States have included:

Anti-nuclear protests preceded the shutdown of the Shoreham, Yankee Rowe, Millstone I, Rancho Seco, Maine Yankee, and about a dozen other nuclear power plants.[75]

Other events

A few injuries have occurred during anti-nuclear protests:

  • On 10 July 1985, the flagship of Greenpeace, Rainbow Warrior, was sunk by French agents in New Zealand waters, and a Greenpeace photographer was killed. The ship was involved in protests against nuclear weapons testing at Mururoa Atoll. The French Government initially denied any involvement with the sinking but eventually admitted its guilt in October 1985. Two French agents pleaded guilty to charges of manslaughter and the French Government paid $7 million in damages.[76]
  • In 1990, two pylons holding high voltage power lines connecting the French and Italian grid were blown up by Italian eco-terrorists, and the attack is believed to have been directly in opposition against the Superphénix.[77]
  • In 2004, a 23 year old activist who had tied himself to train tracks in front of a shipment of reprocessed nuclear waste was run over by the wheels of the train. The event happened in Avricourt, France and the fuel (totaling 12 containers) was from a German plant, on its way to be reprocessed.[78]
  • On July 21, 2007, a Russian antinuclear activist was killed in a protest outside a future Uranium enrichment site. The victim was sleeping in a peace camp, which was part of the protest when it was attacked by unidentified raiders who beat activists who were sleeping, injuring eight and killing one. The protest group was self identified as anarchist and the assailants were suspected to be right wing.[79]

Beginning in the 1960s, anti-nuclear ideas received coverage in the popular media with novels such as Fail-Safe and feature films such as Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, The China Syndrome, and Silkwood. Silkwood was inspired by the true-life story of Karen Silkwood, who died in a suspicious car accident while investigating alleged wrongdoing at the Kerr-McGee plutonium plant where she worked.[1]

Musicians United for Safe Energy (MUSE) was a musical group founded in 1979 by Jackson Browne, Graham Nash, Bonnie Raitt, and John Hall, following the Three Mile Island nuclear accident. The group organized a series of five No Nukes concerts held at Madison Square Garden in New York City in September 1979. On September 23, 1979, almost 200,000 people attended a large anti-nuclear rally staged by MUSE on the then-empty north end of the Battery Park City landfill in New York.[80] The album No Nukes, and a film, also titled No Nukes, were both released in 1980 to document the performances.

In 2007, Bonnie Raitt, Graham Nash, and Jackson Browne, as part of the No Nukes group, recorded a music video of the Buffalo Springfield song "For What It's Worth".[81][82]

Recent developments

A scene from the 2007 Stop EPR (European Pressurised Reactor) protest in Toulouse, France.
Anti-nuclear protest near nuclear waste disposal centre at Gorleben in Northern Germany, on 8 November 2008.
Anti-nuclear march from London to Geneva, 2008
Start of anti-nuclear march from Geneva to Brussels, 2009

For many years after the 1986 Chernobyl disaster nuclear power was off the policy agenda in most countries, and the anti-nuclear power movement seemed to have won its case.[83][84] Some anti-nuclear groups disbanded.[84] More recently, however, following intense public relations activities by the nuclear industry, and concerns about climate change, nuclear power issues have come back into energy policy discussions in some countries.[83] Anti-nuclear activity has increased correspondingly.

In January 2004, up to 15,000 anti-nuclear protesters marched in Paris against a new generation of nuclear reactors, the European Pressurised Water Reactor (EPWR).[85]

On March 17, 2007 simultaneous protests, organised by Sortir du nucléaire, were staged in five French towns to protest construction of EPR plants; Rennes, Lyon, Toulouse, Lille, and Strasbourg.[86][87]

During a weekend in October 2008, some 15,000 people disrupted the transport of radioactive nuclear waste from France to a dump in Germany. This was one of the largest such protests in many years and, according to Der Spiegel, it signals a revival of the anti-nuclear movement in Germany.[88][89][90] In 2009, the coalition of green parties in the European parliament, who are unanimous in their anti-nuclear position, increased their presence in the parliament from 5.5% to 7.1% (52 seats).[91]

In October 2008 in the United Kingdom, more than 30 people were arrested during one of the largest anti-nuclear protests at the Atomic Weapons Establishment at Aldermaston for 10 years. The demonstration marked the start of the UN World Disarmament Week and involved about 400 people.[92]

In 2008 and 2009, there have been protests about, and criticism of, several new nuclear reactor proposals in the United States.[93][94][95][96][97]

A convoy of 350 farm tractors and 50,000 protesters took part in an anti-nuclear rally in Berlin on September 5, 2009. The marchers demanded that Germany close all nuclear plants by 2020 and close the Gorleben radioactive dump.[98][99]


Impact on policy

One of a set of two billboards in Davis, California advertising its nuclear-free policy
The second billboard corresponding to the one above

Forbes magazine, in the September 1975 issue, reported that "the anti-nuclear coalition has been remarkably successful ... [and] has certainly slowed the expansion of nuclear power."[2] A total of 63 nuclear units were canceled in the USA between 1975 and 1980.[100]

For many years after the 1986 Chernobyl disaster nuclear power was off the policy agenda in most countries. More recently, intense public relations activities by the nuclear industry, increasing evidence of climate change and failures to address it, have brought nuclear power issues back to the forefront of policy discussion in the nuclear renaissance countries.[83] But some countries are not prepared to expand nuclear power and are still divesting themselves of their nuclear legacy.[83]

Under the New Zealand Nuclear Free Zone, Disarmament, and Arms Control Act 1987, all territorial sea and land of New Zealand is declared a nuclear free zone. Nuclear-powered and nuclear-armed ships are prohibited from entering the country's territorial waters. Dumping of foreign radioactive waste and development of nuclear weapons in the country is outlawed.[101] Despite common misconception, this act does not make nuclear power plants illegal.[102]

In Italy the use of nuclear power was barred by a referendum in 1987.[103] Recently, however, Italy has agreed to export nuclear technology[104] and now intends to restart its civil nuclear power program.[105]

Touted as a victory by the Alliance '90/The Greens political party, which positions itself as anti-nuclear, Germany set a date of 2020 for the permanent shutdown of the last nuclear power plant in the Nuclear Exit Law, although recently there have been discussions about extending this date or repealing the law.[105][106]

Ireland also has no plans to change its non-nuclear stance and pursue nuclear power in the future.[107]

In the United States, the Navajo Nation forbids uranium mining and processing in its land.[108]

As of 2010, Australia has no nuclear power stations and the current Rudd Labor government is opposed to nuclear power for Australia.[109] Australia also has no nuclear weapons.

Impact on public perception of nuclear power

In 2005, the International Atomic Energy Agency presented the results of a series of public opinion surveys in the Global Public Opinion on Nuclear Issues report.[110] Majorities of respondents in 14 of the 18 countries surveyed believe that the risk of terrorist acts involving radioactive materials and nuclear facilities is high, because of insufficient protection. While majorities of citizens generally support the continued use of existing nuclear power reactors, most people do not favour the building of new nuclear plants, and some people feel that all nuclear power plants should be closed down.[110] Stressing the climate change benefits of nuclear energy positively influences some people to be more supportive of expanding the role of nuclear power in the world, but there is still a general reluctance to support the building of more nuclear power plants.[110]

In the United States, the Nuclear Energy Institute has run polls since the 1980s. A poll in conducted March 30 to April 1, 2007 chose solar as the most likely largest source for electricity in the US in 15 years (27% of those polled) followed by nuclear, 24% and coal, 14%. Those who were favourable of nuclear being used dropped to 63% from a historic high of 70% in 2005 and 68% in September, 2006.[111]

A CBS News/New York Times poll in 2007 showed that a majority of Americans would not like to have a nuclear plant built in their community, although an increasing percentage would like to see more nuclear power.[112]

The two fuel sources that attracted the highest levels of support in the 2007 MIT Energy Survey are solar power and wind power. Outright majorities would choose to “increase a lot” use of these two fuels, and better than three out of four Americans would like to increase these fuels in the U. S. energy portfolio. Fourteen per cent of respondents would like to see nuclear power "increase a lot".[113]

A poll in the European Union for Feb-Mar 2005 showed 37% in favour of nuclear energy and 55% opposed, leaving 8% undecided.[114] The same agency ran another poll in Oct-Nov 2006 that showed 14% favoured building new nuclear plants, 34% favoured maintaining the same number, and 39% favoured reducing the number of operating plants, leaving 13% undecided. This poll showed that the approval of nuclear power rose with the education level of respondents.[115]

Criticism of the anti-nuclear movement

Some environmentalists criticise the anti-nuclear movement for under-stating the environmental costs of fossil fuels and non-nuclear alternatives, and overstating the environmental costs of nuclear energy.[116][117]

Of the numerous nuclear experts who have offered their expertise in addressing controversies, Bernard Cohen, Professor Emeritus of Physics at the University of Pittsburgh, is likely the most frequently cited. In his extensive writings he examines the safety issues in detail. He is best known for comparing nuclear safety to the relative safety of a wide range of other phenomena.[118][119]

Anti-nuclear activists are sometimes accused of representing the risks of nuclear power in an unfair way. The War Against the Atom (Basic Books, 1982) Samuel MacCracken of Boston University argued that in 1982, 50,000 deaths per year could be attributed directly to non-nuclear power plants, if fuel production and transportation, as well as pollution, were taken into account. He argued that if non-nuclear plants were judged by the same standards as nuclear ones, each US non-nuclear power plant could be held responsible for about 100 deaths per year. [120]

The Nuclear Energy Institute[121] (NEI) is the main lobby group for companies doing nuclear work in the USA, while most countries that employ nuclear energy have a national industry group. The World Nuclear Association is the only global trade body. In seeking to counteract the arguments of nuclear opponents, it points to independent studies that quantify the costs and benefits of nuclear energy and compares them to the costs and benefits of alternatives. NEI sponsors studies of its own, but it also references studies performed for the World Health Organisation,[122] for the International Energy Agency,[123] and by university researchers.[124]

Criticism arising from concerns over global warming

Some environmentalists, including former opponents of nuclear energy, criticise the movement on the basis of the claim that nuclear energy is necessary for reducing carbon dioxide emissions. These individuals include James Lovelock,[116] originator of the Gaia hypothesis, Patrick Moore[117], and Stewart Brand, creator of the Whole Earth Catalog.[125][126] Lovelock goes further to refute claims about the danger of nuclear energy and its waste products.[127] In a January, 2008 interview, Moore said that "It wasn't until after I'd left Greenpeace and the climate change issue started coming to the forefront that I started rethinking energy policy in general and realised that I had been incorrect in my analysis of nuclear as being some kind of evil plot."[128]

Some anti-nuclear organisations have acknowledged that their positions are subject to review.[129] However, concern for global warming has not changed the views of some other anti-nuclear organisations toward nuclear energy. Critics of the movement point to independent studies that show that the capital resources required for renewable energy sources are higher than those required for nuclear power.[123]

See also



  1. ^ a b Robert Benford. The Anti-nuclear Movement (book review) American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 89, No. 6, (May 1984), pp. 1456-1458.
  2. ^ a b c Walker, J. Samuel (2004). Three Mile Island: A Nuclear Crisis in Historical Perspective (Berkeley: University of California Press), pp. 10-11.
  3. ^ Falk, Jim (1982). Global Fission: The Battle Over Nuclear Power, Oxford University Press.
  4. ^ a b Mary Palevsky, Robert Futrell, and Andrew Kirk. Recollections of Nevada's Nuclear Past UNLV FUSION, 2005, p. 20.
  5. ^ a b Jerry Brown and Rinaldo Brutoco (1997). Profiles in Power: The Anti-nuclear Movement and the Dawn of the Solar Age, Twayne Publishers, pp. 191-192.
  6. ^ A brief history of CND
  7. ^ "Early defections in march to Aldermaston". Guardian Unlimited. 1958-04-05. Retrieved 2007-04-10.
  8. ^ a b c Paula Garb. Review of Critical Masses, Journal of Political Ecology, Vol 6, 1999.
  9. ^ Thomas Raymond Wellock (1998). Critical Masses: Opposition to Nuclear Power in California, 1958-1978, The University of Wisconsin Press, pp. 27-28.
  10. ^ Keith Schneider. Larry Bogart, an Influential Critic Of Nuclear Power, Is Dead at 77 The New York Times, August 20, 1991.
  11. ^ Anna Gyorgy (1980). No Nukes: Everyone's Guide to Nuclear Power South End Press, ISBN 0896080064, p. 383.
  12. ^ a b Nelkin, Dorothy and Michael Pollak (1982). The Atom Besieged: Antinuclear Movements in France and Germany, ASIN: B0011LXE0A, p. 3.
  13. ^ a b c Mills, Stephen and Williams, Roger (1986). Public Acceptance of New Technologies Routledge, pp. 375-376.
  14. ^ a b Gottlieb, Robert (2005). Forcing the Spring: The Transformation of the American Environmental Movement, Revised Edition, Island Press, USA, p. 237.
  15. ^ Nuclear Power in Germany: A Chronology
  16. ^ Lutz Mez, Mycle Schneider and Steve Thomas (Eds.) (2009). International Perspectives of Energy Policy and the Role of Nuclear Power, Multi-Science Publishing Co. Ltd, p. 371.
  17. ^ a b Utilites Drop Nuclear Power Plant Plans Ocala Star-Banner, January 4, 1981.
  18. ^ Anna Gyorgy (1980). No Nukes: Everyone's Guide to Nuclear Power South End Press, ISBN 0896080064, pp. 393-394.
  19. ^ Some of the Major Events in NU's History Since the 1966 Affiliation
  20. ^ Giugni, Marco (2004). Social Protest and Policy Change: Ecology, Antinuclear, and Peace Movements.
  21. ^ a b c Brian Martin. Opposing nuclear power: past and present, Social Alternatives, Vol. 26, No. 2, Second Quarter 2007, pp. 43-47.
  22. ^ Terry Macalister. New generation of nuclear power stations 'risk terrorist anarchy', The Guardian, 16 March 2009.
  23. ^ Toward Renewed Legitimacy? Nuclear Power, Global Warming, and Security p. 110.
  24. ^ Jan Willem Storm van Leeuwen (2008). Nuclear power – the energy balance
  25. ^ Helen Caldicott (2006). Nuclear power is not the answer to global warming or anything else, Melbourne University Press, ISBN 0 522 85251 3, p. xvii
  26. ^ Clyde W. Burleson. Nuclear Afternoon
  27. ^ Stephanie Cooke (2009). In Mortal Hands: A Cautionary History of the Nuclear Age, Black Inc., p. 280.
  28. ^ a b Al Gore (2009). Our Choice, Bloomsbury, pp. 165-166.
  29. ^ Motevalli, Golnar (Jan 22, 2008). ""Nuclear power rebirth revives waste debate"". Reuters. Retrieved 2008-05-15.
  30. ^ ""A Nuclear Power Renaissance?"". Scientific American. April 28, 2008. Retrieved 2008-05-15. {{cite web}}: Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)
  31. ^ von Hippel, Frank N. (April 2008). "Nuclear Fuel Recycling: More Trouble Than It's Worth". Scientific American. Retrieved 2008-05-15. {{cite web}}: Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)
  32. ^ Is the Nuclear Renaissance Fizzling?
  33. ^ "Nuclear fusion reactor project in France: an expensive and senseless nuclear stupidity". Greenpeace International. 2005-06-28. Retrieved 2009-12-16.
  34. ^ Energy revolution: A sustainable world energy outlook
  35. ^ International Energy Agency (2007). Renewables in global energy supply: An IEA facts sheet (PDF) OECD, 34 pages.
  36. ^ Lester R. Brown. Plan B 4.0: Mobilizing to Save Civilization, Earth Policy Institute, 2009, p. 135.
  37. ^ http://www.energyblueprint.info/fileadmin/media/documents/national/usa_report.pdf
  38. ^ International Energy Agency. IEA urges governments to adopt effective policies based on key design principles to accelerate the exploitation of the large potential for renewable energy 29 September 2008.
  39. ^ Fox Butterfield. Professional Groups Flocking to Antinuclear Drive, The New York Times, March 27, 1982.
  40. ^ Lutz Mez, Mycle Schneider and Steve Thomas (Eds.) (2009). International Perspectives of Energy Policy and the Role of Nuclear Power, Multi-Science Publishing Co. Ltd, p. 279.
  41. ^ Matthew L. Wald. Nuclear Agency's Chief Praises Watchdog Groups, The New York Times, June 23, 1992.
  42. ^ "BBC NEWS : Magazine : World's best-known protest symbol turns 50". 20 March 2008. Retrieved 2008-05-25.
  43. ^ WISE has badges and stickers in 35 languages. WISE.
  44. ^ Friends Of The Earth
  45. ^ a b Lee, Yok-shiu F. and Alvin Y. So (1999). Asia's Environmental Movements: Comparative Perspectives M.E. Sharpe, pp. 160-161.
  46. ^ West Germans Clash at Site of A-Plant New York Times, March 1, 1981 p. 17.
  47. ^ Nuclear Power in Germany: A Chronology
  48. ^ Violence Mars West German Protest New York Times, March 1, 1981 p. 17
  49. ^ Ken Butigan (2003). Pilgrimage through a burning world: spiritual practice and nonviolent protest at the Nevada Test Site SUNY Press, chapters 2 and 3.
  50. ^ Blogs for Bush: The White House Of The Blogosphere: Edwards Calls Israel a Threat
  51. ^ Paul Brown, Shyama Perera and Martin Wainwright. Protest by CND stretches 14 miles The Guardian, 2 April 1983.
  52. ^ John Greenwald. Energy and Now, the Political Fallout, TIME, June 2, 1986.
  53. ^ Marco Giugni (2004). Social protest and policy change p. 55.
  54. ^ Hundreds of Marchers Hit Washington in Finale of Nationwide Peace March Gainsville Sun, November 16, 1986.
  55. ^ "Semipalatinsk: 60 years later (collection of articles)". Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. September 2009. Retrieved 2009-10-01. {{cite web}}: External link in |publisher= (help); Italic or bold markup not allowed in: |publisher= (help)
  56. ^ World: Asia-Pacific: Kazakh anti-nuclear movement celebrates tenth anniversary BBC News, February 28, 1999.
  57. ^ Matthew Chance. Inside the nuclear underworld: Deformity and fear CNN.com, August 31, 2007.
  58. ^ Protests Stop Devastating Nuclear Tests: The Nevada-Semipalatinsk Anti-Nuclear Movement in Kazakhstan
  59. ^ ZNet |Activism | The Power of Protest
  60. ^ Interest Group Politics In America p. 149.
  61. ^ a b Social Protest and Policy Change p. 45.
  62. ^ Herman, Robin (September 24, 1979). "Nearly 200,000 Rally to Protest Nuclear Energy". New York Times. p. B1. {{cite news}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help)
  63. ^ Michael Kenney. Tracking the protest movements that had roots in New England The Boston Globe, December 30, 2009.
  64. ^ a b c d Williams, Eesha. Wikipedia distorts nuclear history Rutland Herald, May 1, 2008.
  65. ^ Social Protest and Policy Change p. 44.
  66. ^ a b Amplifying Public Opinion: The Policy Impact of the U.S. Environmental Movement p. 7.
  67. ^ Nonviolent Social Movements p. 295.
  68. ^ Headline: Rocky Flats Nuclear Plant / Protest
  69. ^ Anti-Nuclear Demonstrations
  70. ^ Shoreham Action Is One of Largest Held Worldwide; 15,000 Protest L.I. Atom Plant; 600 Seized 600 Arrested on L.I. as 15,000 Protest at Nuclear Plant Nuclear Supporter on Hand Governor Stresses Safety Thousands Protest Worldwide New York Times, June 4, 1979.
  71. ^ Gottlieb, Robert (2005). Forcing the Spring: The Transformation of the American Environmental Movement, Revised Edition, Island Press, USA, p. 240.
  72. ^ Discourse analysis by Brian Paltridge p. 188.
  73. ^ Pictures: New York MayDay anti-nuke/war march
  74. ^ Anti-Nuke Protests in New York
  75. ^ Williams, Estha. Nuke Fight Nears Decisive Moment Valley Advocate, August 28, 2008.
  76. ^ Newtan, Samuel Upton (2007). Nuclear War 1 and Other Major Nuclear Disasters of the 20th Century, AuthorHouse, p. 96.
  77. ^ WISE Paris. The threat of nuclear terrorism:from analysis to precautionary measures. 10 December 2001.
  78. ^ Indymedia UK. Activist Killed in Anti-nuke Protest.
  79. ^ Energy Daily. Russian Anti-Nuclear Activist Killed In Attack. July 21, 2007.
  80. ^ Herman, Robin (September 24, 1979). "Nearly 200,000 Rally to Protest Nuclear Energy". New York Times. p. B1. {{cite news}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help)
  81. ^ “For What It’s Worth,” No Nukes Reunite After Thirty Years
  82. ^ Musicians Act to Stop New Atomic Reactors
  83. ^ a b c d Research and Markets: International Perspectives on Energy Policy and the Role of Nuclear Power Reuters, May 6, 2009.
  84. ^ a b Roy McLeod (1995). "Resistance to Nuclear Technology: Optimists, Opportunists and Opposition in Australian Nuclear History" in Martin Bauer (ed) Resistance to New Technology, Cambridge University Press, pp. 175-177.
  85. ^ Thousands march in Paris anti-nuclear protest ABC News, January 18, 2004.
  86. ^ "French protests over EPR". Nuclear Engineering International. 2007-04-03. Retrieved 2007-04-10. {{cite news}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help)
  87. ^ "France hit by anti-nuclear protests". Evening Echo. 2007-04-03. Retrieved 2007-04-10. {{cite news}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help)
  88. ^ The Renaissance of the Anti-Nuclear Movement
  89. ^ Nuclear Waste Reaches German Storage Site Amid Fierce Protests
  90. ^ Police break up German nuclear protest
  91. ^ Green boost in European elections may trigger nuclear fight, Nature, 9 June 2009.
  92. ^ More than 30 arrests at Aldermaston anti-nuclear protest The Guardian, 28 October 2008.
  93. ^ Protest against nuclear reactor Chicago Tribune, October 16, 2008.
  94. ^ Southeast Climate Convergence occupies nuclear facility Indymedia UK, August 8, 2008.
  95. ^ Critics assail nuclear plan
  96. ^ Anti-Nuclear Renaissance: A Powerful but Partial and Tentative Victory Over Atomic Energy
  97. ^ Hearing today involves opponents to new reactors at Comanche Peak
  98. ^ Eric Kirschbaum. Anti-nuclear rally enlivens German campaign Reuters, September 5, 2009.
  99. ^ 50,000 join anti-nuclear power march in Berlin The Local, September 5, 2009.
  100. ^ Rebecca A. McNerney (1998). The Changing Structure of the Electric Power Industry p. 110.
  101. ^ New Zealand Nuclear Free Zone, Disarmament, and Arms Control Act
  102. ^ "Nuclear Energy Prospects in New Zealand". World Nuclear Association. 2009-04. Retrieved 2009-12-09. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  103. ^ Italy
  104. ^ Italy joins GNEP
  105. ^ a b The Radioactive Energy Plan
  106. ^ German Parties Set to Clash Over Nuclear Power
  107. ^ Electricity Regulation Act, 1999
  108. ^ Navajo Nation outlaws uranium mining
  109. ^ Support for N-power falls The Australian, 30 December 2006.
  110. ^ a b c International Atomic Energy Agency (2005). Global Public Opinion on Nuclear Issues and the IAEA: Final Report from 18 Countries p. 6.
  111. ^ Survey Reveals Gap in Public’s Awareness
  112. ^ Energy
  113. ^ Stephen Ansolabehere. Public Attitudes Toward America’s Energy Options Report of the 2007 MIT Energy Survey, Center for Energy and Environmental Policy research, March 2007, p. 3.
  114. ^ EurActiv.com - Majority of Europeans oppose nuclear power | EU - European Information on EU Priorities & Opinion
  115. ^ http://ec.europa.eu/public_opinion/archives/ebs/ebs_271_en.pdf
  116. ^ a b James Lovelock: Nuclear power is the only green solution
  117. ^ a b Going Nuclear
  118. ^ Bernard Cohen
  119. ^ The Nuclear Energy Option
  120. ^ Samuel MacCracken, The War Against the Atom, 1982, Basic Books, pp. 60-61
  121. ^ Nuclear Energy Institute website
  122. ^ Fourth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health: Budapest, Hungary, 23–25 June 2004
  123. ^ a b Executive Summary
  124. ^ Ari Rabl and Mona. Dreicer, Health and Environmental Impacts of Energy Systems. International Journal of Global Energy Issues, vol.18(2/3/4), 113-150 (2002)
  125. ^ Environmental Heresies
  126. ^ An Early Environmentalist, Embracing New ‘Heresies’
  127. ^ James Lovelock
  128. ^ [1]
  129. ^ Some rethinking nuke opposition USA Today
