Edit filter configuration

Differences between versions

ItemVersion from 18:49, 8 September 2009 by Ruslik0Version from 19:24, 28 September 2009 by Ruslik0
Basic information
Checking the regex against the old_wikitext seems to worked, false positives are more rare and fixable now.
Checking the regex against the old_wikitext seems to worked, false positives are more rare and fixable now.

There is no reason to disable the whole filter for false positives, remove the offending word or add a word boundary check (\b).
There is no reason to disable the whole filter for false positives, remove the offending word or add a word boundary check (\b).

Reenabling disallow. - BJ
Reenabling disallow. - BJ

Add "faggot", used by Fang for personal attacks on Versus22.  --NW
Add "faggot", used by Fang for personal attacks on Versus22.  --NW

"fag" matches "faggot" because it has no \b. -BJ
"fag" matches "faggot" because it has no \b. -BJ

Added a few simple words - VoA
Added a few simple words - VoA

Merging. -BJ
Merging. -BJ
Splitting filter for new users leaving this one for IPs. -BJ
Splitting filter for new users leaving this one for IPs. -BJ
Remove "bitch", it'll still warn in filter 97. -BJ
Remove "bitch", it'll still warn in filter 97. -BJ
Making a few words warn only. -BJ
Making a few words warn only. -BJ

Merged with filter 97. Ruslik
Merged with filter 97. Ruslik
Changed name of the filter. - Ruslik
Changed name of the filter. - Ruslik
Fixed error. - Ruslik
Fixed error. - Ruslik
Removed some unnecessary regexes
Removed some unnecessary regexes

remove retarded, some false positives - Cenarium
remove retarded, some false positives - Cenarium

FP: Exempting cases where the attack appears in quotes. - KoH
FP: Exempting cases where the attack appears in quotes. - KoH

Changing to one regex based on code KoH provided. - Evil saltine
Changing to one regex based on code KoH provided. - Evil saltine

Added \b after whore (to exclude whorehouse). ~~~~
Added \b after whore (to exclude whorehouse). ~~~~
Simplified code. - Ruslik
Filter conditions
/* Filter 9 - Generated: 2009-03-30 09:39:11 UTC */
/* Filter 9 - Generated: 2009-03-30 09:39:11 UTC */
!("autoconfirmed" in USER_GROUPS) & (("user" in USER_GROUPS & edit_delta > 5000) | (!("user" in USER_GROUPS) & article_namespace == 0)) &  
!("autoconfirmed" in USER_GROUPS) & (("user" in USER_GROUPS & edit_delta > 5000) | (!("user" in USER_GROUPS) & article_namespace == 0)) &  
(lcase(added_lines) rlike "\n[^\x22^\r^\n]*\b(?<!it)(is|\'s|are|\'re|u\s*r\b)\s+(a|an|)\s*(fuck(ing|)|(u|ü)ber|ultra|very|)[ -]*((ass|arse)(hole|)\b|bastard|cock(sucker|s|)\b|cunt|d(1|i)ck|douche|fag|ghey|loser|kike|(mother|)fuck(er|face|tard)|nigg(er|a)|pa?edo(phile|)|prick|shit|slut|tosser|twat|wanker|whore\b|bitch|cabr(ó|o)n|culo|gay|idiot|moron|pendejo|penis\b|put(a|o))")
& !(lcase(old_wikitext) rlike "\n[^\x22^\r^\n]*\b(?<!it)(is|\'s|are|\'re|u\s*r\b)\s+(a|an|)\s*(fuck(ing|)|(u|ü)ber|ultra|very|)[ -]*((ass|arse)(hole|)\b|bastard|cock(sucker|s|)\b|cunt|d(1|i)ck|douche|fag|ghey|loser|kike|(mother|)fuck(er|face|tard)|nigg(er|a)|pa?edo(phile|)|prick|shit|slut|tosser|twat|wanker|whore\b|bitch|cabr(ó|o)n|culo|gay|idiot|moron|pendejo|penis\b|put(a|o))")
line1:="\n[^\x22^\r^\n]*\b(?<!it)(is|\'s|are|\'re|u\s*r\b)\s+(a|an|)\s*(fuck(ing|)|(u|ü)ber|ultra|very|)[ -]*((ass|arse)(hole|)\b|bastard|cock(sucker|s|)\b|cunt|d(1|i)ck|douche|fag|ghey|loser|kike|(mother|)fuck(er|face|tard)|nigg(er|a)|pa?edo(phile|)|prick|shit|slut|tosser|twat|wanker|whore\b|bitch|cabr(ó|o)n|culo|gay|idiot|moron|pendejo|penis\b|put(a|o))";
lcase(added_lines) rlike line1) & !(lcase(old_wikitext) rlike line1)