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Edit filter configuration

Differences between versions

ItemVersion from 10:17, 19 June 2016 by Amire80Version from 18:23, 16 July 2016 by Amire80
Basic information
June 1: Disabled because of unnecessary warnings shown while editing translations.
2016-07-16: Added cx-linter.

June 19: Re-enabled, because https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T136596 is supposed to be resolved.
2016-06-19: Re-enabled, because https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T136596 is supposed to be resolved.
2016-06-01: Disabled because of unnecessary warnings shown while editing translations.
Filter conditions
( article_namespace = 0 ) &
( article_namespace = 0 ) &
contains_any( new_pst, 'cx-segment', 'data-segmentid', 'cx-highlight' )
contains_any( new_pst, 'cx-segment', 'data-segmentid', 'cx-highlight', 'cx-linter' )