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Viewing filter 1,297: Mixed-use words

Editing filter 1,297 (see also a graph of recent actions)

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Filter ID:1,297


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Statistics:Of the last 205,761 actions, this filter has matched 138 (0.07%). On average, its run time is 1.04 ms, and it consumes 1.9 conditions of the condition limit.
sus := "(?x)\b(?: #Common words anal |ass+ |balls |booty |bum |butt |caca |cool(?:est)? |cum |daddy |fart(?:ed|ing|s)? |fat |gay |i[ ](?:like|hate) |nonce |poo+ |porno? |racist |sexy? |smell[ys] |stink[ys] |suck(?:ed|ing|s)? #Memes |fortnite |goat |ronaldo |sigma )\b"; page_namespace == 0 & !("confirmed" in user_groups) & added_lines irlike sus & !(removed_lines irlike sus) & ( /* Baseline AGF */ score := 1.0; /* More AGF on "sweary" pages */ score := score + 0.2 * rcount("(?i)" + sus, old_wikitext); /* Added references */ ref_cnt := (count("<ref", added_lines) - count("<ref", removed_lines)); clamped_ref_cnt := ref_cnt < -1 ? -1 : ref_cnt; score := score + 2.0 * ref_cnt; /* Added markup */ markup_cnt := (rcount("[[\]{}|*#=]", added_lines)) - (rcount("[[\]{}|*#=]", removed_lines)); clamped_markup_cnt := markup_cnt < -10 ? -10 : markup_cnt; score := score + 0.1 * clamped_markup_cnt; /* Added quotes or italics */ quote_cnt := (rcount("(?<!')''(?!')|\"", added_lines)) - rcount("(?<!')''(?!')|\"", removed_lines); clamped_quote_cnt := quote_cnt < 0 ? 0 : quote_cnt; score := score + 0.5 * clamped_quote_cnt; /* Unenclopedic language */ bonus_words := "\b(?:i|me|my|your?)\b"; score := score - 0.5 * (added_lines irlike bonus_words & !(removed_lines irlike bonus_words)); /* No summary */ score := score - 0.5 * (summary irlike "^(?:/\*.*?\*/)?\s*$"); /* Did they add these words and do nothing else except adjust whitespace and punctuation? */ score := score - 2.0 * (norm(str_replace_regexp(added_lines, sus, "")) == norm(removed_lines)); /* Multiple bad words */ extra_cnt := rcount("(?i)" + sus, added_lines) - 1; clamped_extra_cnt := extra_cnt > 10 ? 10 : extra_cnt; score := score - 0.5 * clamped_extra_cnt; /* Back-to-back bad words */ tandem_cnt := rcount("(?i)(?:(?:" + sus + ")\W*){2}", added_lines); clamped_tandem_cnt := tandem_cnt > 10 ? 10 : tandem_cnt; score := score - 2.0 * tandem_cnt; /* On the other hand, if the word count is exactly the same, that probably means they just swapped out one word, or did a search-and-replace */ score := score - 1.0 * (rcount("\w+", added_lines) == rcount("\w+", removed_lines)); /* Anying in all caps, not necessarily these words */ score := score - 1.0 * (rcount("[A-Z]{4,}", added_lines) > rcount("[A-Z]{4,}", removed_lines)); /* Added plain text to the end of a single line */ score := score - 1.0 * ( strpos(norm(added_lines), norm(removed_lines)) == 0 & length(added_lines) == length(removed_lines) & quote_cnt + ref_cnt + markup_cnt == 0 ); /* Added plain text to the start or end of the page */ score := score - 2.0 * ( strpos(norm(new_wikitext), norm(old_wikitext)) != -1 & quote_cnt + ref_cnt + markup_cnt == 0 ); /* No changes at all to punctuation or markup */ score := score - 2.0 * (str_replace_regexp(added_lines, "[\w\s]", "") == str_replace_regexp(removed_lines, "[\w\s]", "")); /* Not much use of the shift key */ score := score - 1.0 * (rcount('[A-Z]', added_lines) == rcount('[A-Z]', removed_lines)); score < 0 )
Filter last modified:23:47, 5 April 2024 by Suffusion of Yellow (talk | contribs)
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You are viewing an old version of this filter. The statistics quoted are for the most recent version of the filter.Return to this filter's history.