Extract from: ‘Professorial Appointments: Willem Buiter,’ in LSE Magazine, November 1982, No42, p.4
William Buiter has been appointed Cassel Professor of Economics with special reference to money and banking from 1 April 1982, having previously been at the LSE during 1976-77 (as a lecturer in the Department of Economics). He took his first degree in 1971 at Emmanuel College, Cambridge and his PhD at Yale University in 1975. From 1975-6 and 1977-9 he was an Assistant Professor of Economics and International Affairs at the Woodrow Wilson School of Princeton University. From 1980 until his appointment at LSE he was Professor of Economics at the University of Bristol. Since 1977 he has been a Research Associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research.
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{{Information |Description=LSE European Institute Extract from: ‘Professorial Appointments: Willem Buiter,’ in LSE Magazine, November 1982, No42, p.4 William Buiter has been appointed Cassel Professor of Economics with special reference to money and