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Draft:The Language of Rittic

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  • Comment: This is a very intriguing topic, but unlikely to meet the guidelines for inclusion on Wikipedia. I recommend that you improve the article on the Micronations Wiki instead, unless this language experiences significant coverage in independent reliable sources. JJPMaster (she/they) 01:06, 24 May 2024 (UTC)

Rittic is the main language of the micronation of Rittia. Phonology of Rittic

Rittic phonology combines elements of Sami and Celtic languages, featuring sounds that are common in both.

Consonants - Plosives: /p/, /t/, /k/, /b/, /d/, /g/ - Fricatives: /f/, /s/, /ʃ/ (sh), /v/, /z/, /ʒ/ (zh) - Nasals: /m/, /n/, /ŋ/ (ng) - Liquids: /l/, /r/ - Glides: /j/ (y), /w/

Vowels - Front: /i/, /e/, /ɛ/ (as in bet) - Central: /ə/ (schwa), /a/ (as in father) - Back: /u/, /o/, /ɔ/ (as in thought)


Rittic has a relatively free word order, much like Sami languages, but with some fixed structures influenced by Celtic syntax.

Nouns - Nouns are marked for case (nominative, genitive, dative, accusative). - Singular and plural forms are indicated through vowel changes or suffixes.

Example: - *haap* (house) -> *haapu* (houses) - *saari* (island) -> *saarii* (islands)

        1. Pronouns

- Personal pronouns have different forms for subject and object cases.

| | Singular | Plural | |-----------|----------|--------| | 1st Person | më (I) | vi (we) | | 2nd Person | të (you) | ti (you all) | | 3rd Person | hän (he/she) | he (they) |

Verbs - Verbs conjugate for tense (past, present, future) and mood (indicative, imperative, subjunctive). - Regular verb endings change based on tense.

Example (to go): - Present: *lähin* (I go), *lähit* (you go), *lähit* (he/she goes) - Past: *lähtin* (I went), *lähtit* (you went), *lähtit* (he/she went) - Future: *lähen* (I will go), *lähes* (you will go), *lähet* (he/she will go)


Rittic incorporates both Sami and Celtic roots, forming words that might be reminiscent of both language families.

Basic Vocabulary - Water: *vassi* (from Sami *vassje*) - Mountain: *benn* (from Irish *binn*) - Forest: *skovi* (from Norwegian *skog* and Sami *skovva*) - Fire: *taur* (from Old Irish *tēine* and Sami *dovd*)

Example Sentences

1. **Më lähin haapu.**

  - I go to the house.

2. **Ti lähit saarii.**

  - You all go to the islands.

3. **Hän taurat vassi.**

  - He/She sees the water.

Rittic Dictionary

Nouns - **Air**: _aith_

- **Animal**: _beist_

- **Bird**: _faal_

- **Child**: _balg_

- **Day**: _déi_

- **Earth**: _jord_

- **Family**: _famh_

- **Fire**: _taur_

- **Fish**: _isk_

- **Flower**: _blöm_

- **Forest**: _skovi_

- **Friend**: _ven_

- **Home**: _haap_

- **Lake**: _jävri_

- **Man**: _man_

- **Mountain**: _benn_

- **Night**: _noct_

- **River**: _elvi_

- **Sea**: _mara_

- **Sky**: _himl_

- **Star**: _stjar_

- **Sun**: _sól_

- **Tree**: _arv_

- **Village**: _bygd_

- **Water**: _vassi_

- **Wind**: _vind_

- **Woman**: _kvinn_

Pronouns - **I**: _më_

- **You (singular)**: _të_

- **He/She**: _hän_

- **We**: _vi_

- **You (plural)**: _ti_

- **They**: _he_

Verbs - **To be**: _veri_

 - Present: _veri_ (am/is/are)
 - Past: _veritin_ (was/were)
 - Future: _verin_ (will be)

- **To have**: _hevi_

 - Present: _hevi_ (have/has)
 - Past: _hevitin_ (had)
 - Future: _hevin_ (will have)

- **To go**: _lähi_

 - Present: _lähi_ (go/goes)
 - Past: _lähtin_ (went)
 - Future: _lähen_ (will go)

- **To see**: _tauri_

 - Present: _tauri_ (see/sees)
 - Past: _taurit_ (saw)
 - Future: _taurín_ (will see)

- **To come**: _komi_

 - Present: _komi_ (come/comes)
 - Past: _komit_ (came)
 - Future: _komín_ (will come)

- **To eat**: _ëti_

 - Present: _ëti_ (eat/eats)
 - Past: _ëtit_ (ate)
 - Future: _ëtin_ (will eat)


- **Big**: _stor_

- **Small**: _litin_

- **Good**: _gód_

- **Bad**: _ond_

- **Happy**: _glad_

- **Sad**: _sorg_

- **Old**: _gamm_

- **Young**: _ung_

- **New**: _ny_

- **Beautiful**: _vack_


- **Quickly**: _snabb_

- **Slowly**: _sakt_

- **Today**: _idag_

- **Yesterday**: _går_

- **Tomorrow**: _morgon_


- **And**: _och_

- **But**: _men_

- **Or**: _eller_

- **Because**: _för_

Example Sentences

1. **Më verin glad.**

  - I will be happy.

2. **Hän stor faal taurit.**

  - He/She saw a big bird.

3. **Vi komít haap.**

  - We came home.

4. **Të ëtin blöm.**

  - You ate a flower.

5. **He veri ung och gód.**

  - They are young and good.

Expanded Rittic Dictionary

Nouns • Book: bók

• Bridge: brog

• City: stadi

• Clothing: klæð

• Country: land

• Dog: hund

• Door: dør

• Eye: aug

• Father: fað

• Food: mat

• Forest: skovi

• Ground: golf

• Hand: hond

• Heart: hjart

• Horse: hest

• House: haap

• King: konung

• Leg: fót

• Light: ljós

• Love: elsk

• Moon: máni

• Mother: móð

• Mountain: benn

• Path: stig

• Person: mann

• Road: veg

• Sky: himl

• Star: stjar

• Storm: storm

• Sun: sól

• Sword: sverd

• Village: bygd

• Water: vassi

• Woman: kvinn

• World: verð


• To ask: spyrja

• Present: spyr (ask/asks)

• Past: spyrði (asked)

• Future: spyrin (will ask)

• To build: byggja

• Present: bygg (build/builds)

• Past: byggði (built)

• Future: byggin (will build)

• To drink: drekka

• Present: drek (drink/drinks)

• Past: drakk (drank)

• Future: drekin (will drink)

• To give: giva

• Present: giv (give/gives)

• Past: gav (gave)

• Future: givan (will give)

• To help: hjalpa

• Present: hjalp (help/helps)

• Past: hjálpði (helped)

• Future: hjalpin (will help)

• To live: lifa

• Present: lif (live/lives)

• Past: lifði (lived)

• Future: lifin (will live)

• To run: renna

• Present: renn (run/runs)

• Past: rann (ran)

• Future: rennin (will run)

• To sleep: sova

• Present: sov (sleep/sleeps)

• Past: svaf (slept)

• Future: sovan (will sleep)

• To think: hugsa

• Present: hugs (think/thinks)

• Past: hugsaði (thought)

• Future: hugsin (will think)

• To work: arbeiða

• Present: arbeið (work/works)

• Past: arbeiðði (worked)

• Future: arbeiðin (will work)


• Angry: reið

• Cold: kald

• Dark: døk

• Fast: skynd

• Heavy: þung

• Light (weight): lett

• Long: lang

• Short: stutt

• Strong: sterk

• Weak: veik

• Wet: våt

• Wide: breið

• Thin: þunn


• Always: alltid

• Never: aldri

• Often: ofta

• Rarely: sjaldan

• Soon: snart

• Then: þá

• There: þar

• Where: hvar


• Although: þótt

• If: ef

• When: þegar

• While: meðan

Example Sentences Using Expanded Vocabulary

1. Më verin reið. • I will be angry.

2. Hän sovit í haap. • He/She slept in the house.

3. Vi byggin ny stadi. • We will build a new city.

4. Të drekin vassi. • You will drink water.

5. He eru sterk och skynd. • They are strong and fast.

6. Konung veri í benn. • The king is in the mountain.

7. Móð elskar fað. • Mother loves father.

8. Mann renni til haapu. • The person runs to the house.

9. Hann æt ný mat í dag. • He/She eats new food today.

10. Við fara til mara snart. • We will go to the sea soon.



  1. ^ "Rittia - MicroWiki".