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List of regencies and districts of South Sulawesi

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The Districts of South Sulawesi are the administrative divisions of South Sulawesi, a province of Indonesia that is made up of 21 regencies (kabupaten) and 3 independent cities (kota), which are both in turn divided into districts called Kecamatan.

Five years after independence, the government issued Law No. 21 of 1950, which became the basis of the legal establishment for what was then the Sulawesi province. Ten years later, the government passed Law No. 47 of 1960 which endorsed the formation of the South/Southeast Sulawesi province. Four years after that, with Act No. 13 of 1964, the provinces of South Sulawesi and Southeast Sulawesi were separated. Forty years later, the South Sulawesi government was split into two, with the regencies of Majene, Mamasa, Mamuju, Pasangkayu, and Polewali Mandar having been separated off to form a new West Sulawesi province on 5 October 2004 under Act No. 26 of 2004.

Regencies and cities


The South Sulawesi Province is composed of two major regions. The first - the southern half - consists of the southern peninsula itself and comprises sixteen regencies plus the independent cities of Makassar and Parepare. The second - the more mountainous and less densely populated northern half - now comprises five regencies plus the independent city of Palopo.

Three new regencies and a city have been created in this northern half since the establishment of the province. A new regency (Luwu Utara) was created on 20 April 1999 from the northern part of the existing Luwu Regency; a new city (Palopo) was created on 10 April 2002 from a further part of Luwu Regency; and on 25 February 2003 another regency (Luwu Timur) was formed from the eastern half of the Luwu Utara Regency. Following the splitting away of part (five regencies) of the province to form a separate West Sulawesi Province in 2004, the remaining South Sulawesi Province was divided into twenty regencies (kabupaten) and three independent cities (kota), but a twenty-first regency (Toraja Utara) was formed on 24 June 2008 from the northern half of Tana Toraja Regency.

These regencies and cities are listed below with their areas and their populations as of the 2010 Census[1] and 2020 Census,[2] together with the official estimates as at mid 2023.[3] The table also includes the number of districts (kecamatan) in each regency or city, its administrative capital and its Human Development Index for 2018.

Name of
City or
mid 2023
Capital HDI
73.01 Selayar Islands Regency
(Kepulauan Selayar)
1,160.359 103,596 122,055 137,071 141,180 11 Benteng 0.660 (Medium)
73.02 Bulukumba Regency 1,175.528 352,419 394,560 437,607 450,330 10 Bulukumba 0.677 (Medium)
73.03 Bantaeng Regency 390.969 158,632 176,699 196,716 203,140 8 Bantaeng 0.677 (Medium)
73.04 Jeneponto Regency 796.001 317,588 342,700 401,610 414,480 11 Bontosunggu 0.633 (Medium)
73.05 Takalar Regency 555.431 229,718 269,603 300,853 312,810 9 Pattallassang 0.660 (Medium)
73.06 Gowa Regency 1,812.997 512,876 652,941 765,836 801,110 18 Sungguminasa 0.688 (Medium)
73.07 Sinjai Regency 865.244 204,385 228,879 259,478 267,540 9 Sinjai 0.662 (Medium)
73.08 Bone Regency 4,567.363 648,089 717,682 801,775 823,080 27 Watampone 0.650 (Medium)
73.09 Maros Regency 1,442.946 272,116 319,002 391,774 407,920 14 Turikale 0.689 (Medium)
73.10 Pangkajene and Islands Regency
(Pangkajene Dan Kepulauan,
or "PanKep")
888.913 263,565 305,737 345,775 355,610 13 Pangkajene 0.677 (Medium)
73.11 Barru Regency 1,201.903 151,085 165,983 184,452 187,950 7 Barru 0.700 (High)
73.12 Soppeng Regency 1,385.546 219,505 223,826 235,167 238,240 8 Watansoppeng 0.676 (Medium)
73.13 Wajo Regency 2,608.708 357,720 385,109 379,079 386,540 14 Sengkang 0.685 (Medium)
73.14 Sidenreng Rappang Regency
(or "SidRap")
1,832.300 238,419 271,911 327,920 327,416 11 Pangkajene
0.706 (High)
73.15 Pinrang Regency 1,896.575 310,833 351,118 403,994 419,340 12 Pinrang 0.706 (High)
73.16 Enrekang Regency 1,806.845 166,307 190,248 225,172 234,570 12 Enrekang 0.721 (High)
73.71 Makassar (City) 176.852 1,130,384 1,338,663 1,423,877 1,454,960 15 Makassar 0.817 (Very High)
73.72 Parepare (City) 89.670 108,258 129,262 151,454 158,430 4 Parepare 0.771 (High)
73 Southern half 24,654.150 5,936,633 6,585,978 7,361,680 7,585,130 213
73.17 Luwu Regency 2,902.069 398,131 332,482 365,608 379,300 22 Belopa 0.696 (Medium)
73.18 Tana Toraja Regency 2,043.623 392,726 221,081 280,794 289,450 19 Makale 0.676 (Medium)
73.22 North Luwu Regency
(Luwu Utara)
7,422.418 431,680 287,472 322,919 333,780 12 Masamba 0.687 (Medium)
73.24 East Luwu Regency
(Luwu Timur)
6,745.921 (a) 243,069 296,741 308,530 11 Malili 0.721(High)
73.27 North Toraja Regency
(Toraja Utara)
1,289.134 (b) 216,762 261,086 273,340 21 Rantepao 0.684 (Medium)
73.73 Palopo (City) 273.235 (c) 147,932 184,681 192,760 9 Palopo 0.773 (High)
73 Northern half 20,676.400 1,222,537 1,448,798 1,711,829 1,777,160 94
73 Province Totals 45,330.550 7,159,170 8,034,776 9,073,509 9,362,290 307 Makassar 0.709 (High)

Notes: (a) The 2000 Census population for East Luwu Regency is included in the figure for North Luwu Regency, from which it was formed on 25 February 2003 (under Law No.7 of 2003).
(b) The 2000 Census population for North Toraja Regency is included in the figure for Tana Toraja Regency, from which it was formed on 26 November 2008 (under Law No.28 of 2008, following the publication of the report of Commission President Yudhoyono, numbered R.68/Pres/12/2007 on 10 December 2007, regarding the expansion of the twelve original districts and cities).
(c) The 2000 Census population for Palopo city is included in the figure for Luwu Regency, from which it was formed on 10 April 2002 (under Law No.11 of 2002).




The 307 districts (kecamatan) of South Sulawesi are as follows, listed with the regencies or cities in which they are situated:

  • Ajangale, Bone
  • Alla Timur, Enrekang
  • Alla, Sulawesi Enrekang
  • Amali, Sulawesi, Bone
  • Anggeraja Timur, Enrekang
  • Anggeraja, Enrekang
  • Angkona, Luwu Timur
  • Arungkeke, Jeneponto
  • Awan Rante Karua, Toraja Utara
  • Awangpone, Bone
  • Bacukiki, Pare-Pare
  • Baebunta, Luwu Utara
  • Bajeng, Gowa
  • Bajo, Sulawesi, Luwu
  • Balocci, Kepulauan Pangkajene
  • Balusu, Barru
  • Balusu, Toraja Utara
  • Bangkala Barat, Jeneponto
  • Bangkala, Jeneponto
  • Bangkelekila, Toraja Utara
  • Bantaeng, Bantaeng
  • Bantimurung, Maros
  • Baraka, Enrekang
  • Baranti, Sidenreng Rappang
  • Barebbo, Bone
  • Barombong, Gowa
  • Barru, Barru
  • Baruppu, Toraja Utara
  • Bassesangtempe, Luwu
  • Batang, Jeneponto
  • Batulappa, Pinrang
  • Buki, Selayar (link to Indonesian article)
  • Belawa, Sulawesi, Wajo
  • Belopa, Luwu
  • Bengo, Sulawesi, Bone
  • Benteng, Selayar (link to Indonesian language article)
  • Binamu, Jeneponto
  • Biring Kanaya, Makassar
  • Biringbulu, Gowa
  • Bissappu, Bantaeng
  • Bituang, Tana Toraja
  • Bola, Indonesia, Wajo
  • Bone-Bone, Luwu Utara
  • Bonggakaradeng, Tana Toraja
  • Bontobahari
  • Bontoala, Makassar
  • Bontocani, Bone
  • Bontoharu, Selayar
  • Bontomanai, Selayar
  • Bontomarannu, Gowa
  • Bontomatene, Selayar
  • Bontonompo, Gowa
  • Bontoramba, Jeneponto
  • Bontosikuyu, Selayar
  • Bontotiro, Bulukumba
  • Bua Ponrang, Luwu
  • Bua, Indonesia, Luwu
  • Bulukumpa, Bulukumba
  • Bulupoddo, Sinjai
  • Bungaya, Gowa
  • Bungoro, Kepulauan Pangkajene
  • Buntao Rantebua, Tana Toraja
  • Buntao, Toraja Utara
  • Burau, Luwu Timur
  • Camba, Sulawesi, Maros
  • Cempa, Pinrang
  • Cenrana, Bone
  • Cenrana, Maros
  • Cina, Bone
  • Donri Donri, Soppeng
  • Dua Boccoe, Bone
  • Duampanua, Pinrang
  • Duapitue, Sidenreng Rappang
  • Enrekang Selatan, Enrekang
  • Enrekang, Enrekang
  • Eremerasa, Bantaeng
  • Galesong Selatan, Takalar
  • Galesong Utara, Takalar
  • Ganra, Soppeng
  • Gantarang, Bulukumba
  • Gantarangkeke, Bantaeng
  • Gilireng, Wajo
  • Hero Lange-Lange, Bulukumba
  • Kahu, Bone
  • Kajang
  • Kajuara, Bone
  • Kalukuang Masalima, Kepulauan Pangkajene
  • Kamanre, Luwu
  • Kapala Pitu, Toraja Utara
  • Keera, Wajo
  • Kelara, Jeneponto
  • Kesu, Toraja Utara
  • Kindang, Bulukumba
  • Kulo, Sidenreng Rappang
  • Labakkang, Kepulauan Pangkajene
  • Lalabata, Soppeng
  • Lamasi, Luwu
  • Lamuru, Bone
  • Lanrisang, Pinrang
  • Lappariaja, Bone
  • Larompong
  • Laronpong Selatan, Luwu
  • Latimojong, Luwu
  • Lau, Maros
  • Lembang, Pinrang
  • Libureng, Bone
  • Lili Riaja, Soppeng
  • Lili Rilau, Soppeng
  • Limbong, Luwu Utara
  • Liukang Tangaya, Kepulauan Pangkajene
  • Liukang Tupabbiring, Kepulauan Pangkajene
  • Ma'Rang, Kepulauan Pangkajene
  • Maiwa Atas, Enrekang
  • Maiwa, Enrekang
  • Majauleng, Wajo
  • Makale, Tana Toraja
  • Makassar, Makassar
  • Malangke Barat, Luwu Utara
  • Malangke, Luwu Utara
  • Malili, Luwu Timur
  • Mallawa, Maros
  • Mallusetasi, Barru
  • Mamajang, Makassar
  • Mandai, Maros
  • Mandalle, Kepulauan Pangkajene
  • Mangara Bombang, Takalar
  • Manggala, Makassar
  • Mangkutana, Luwu Timur
  • Maniang Pajo, Wajo
  • Mappakasunggu, Takalar
  • Mappedeceng, Luwu Utara
  • Mare, Bone
  • Mario Riawa, Soppeng
  • Mario Riwawo, Soppeng
  • Mariso, Makassar
  • Maritengngae, Sidenreng Rappang
  • Maros Baru, Maros
  • Maros Utara, Maros
  • Marusu, Maros
  • Masamba
  • Mattiro Bulu, Pinrang
  • Mattirosompe, Pinrang
  • Mengkendek, Tana Toraja
  • Minasa Te'ne, Kepulauan Pangkajene
  • Moncongloe, Maros
  • Nanggala, Toraja Utara
  • Nuha, Luwu Timur
  • Pajukukang, Bantaeng
  • Palakka, Bone
  • Paleteang, Pinrang
  • Pallangga, Gowa
  • Panakkukang, Makassar
  • Panca Lautang, Sidenreng Rappang
  • Panca Rijang, Sidenreng Rappang
  • Pangkajene, Kepulauan Pangkajene
  • Parangloe, Gowa
  • Pasilambena, Selayar
  • Pasimarannu, Selayar
  • Pasimasunggu, Selayar
  • Pasimasunggu Timur, Selayar
  • Patallassang, Takalar
  • Patampanua, Pinrang
  • Patimpeng, Bone
  • Penrang, Wajo
  • Pitu Riase, Sidenreng Rappang
  • Pitu Riawa, Sidenreng Rappang
  • Pitumpanua
  • Polobangkeng Selatan, Takalar
  • Polobangkeng Utara, Takalar
  • Poncang, Luwu
  • Ponre, Bone
  • Pujananting, Barru
  • Pulau Sembilan, Sinjai
  • Rampi, Luwu Utara
  • Rantebua, Toraja Utara
  • Rantepao, Toraja Utara
  • Rantetayo, Tana Toraja
  • Rappocini, Makassar
  • Riau Ale, Bulukumba
  • Rindingalo, Toraja Utara
  • Sa'dan, Toraja Utara
  • Sabbang Paru, Wajo
  • Sabbang, Luwu Utara
  • Sajoanging, Wajo
  • Salomekko, Bone
  • Saluputti, Tana Toraja
  • Sangalla, Tana Toraja
  • Sanggalangi, Toraja Utara
  • Segeri, Kepulauan Pangkajene
  • Seko, Luwu Utara
  • Sesean Suloara, Toraja Utara
  • Sesean, Toraja Utara
  • Sibulue, Bone
  • Sidenreng, Sidenreng Rappang
  • Simbang, Maros
  • Simbuang, Tana Toraja
  • Sinjai Barat, Sinjai
  • Sinjai Borong, Sinjai
  • Sinjai Selatan, Sinjai
  • Sinjai Tengah, Sinjai
  • Sinjai Timur, Sinjai
  • Sinjai Utara, Sinjai
  • Sinoa, Bantaeng
  • Somba Opu, Gowa
  • Sopai, Toraja Utara
  • Soppeng Riaja, Barru
  • Soreang, Pare-Pare
  • Sukamaju, Luwu Utara
  • Suli, Luwu
  • Suppa, Pinrang
  • Takabonerate, Selayar
  • Takkalalla, Wajo
  • Tallinglipu Dende' Piongan Napo, Toraja Utara
  • Tallo, Makassar
  • Tamalanrea, Makassar
  • Tamalatea, Jeneponto
  • Tana Sitolo, Wajo
  • Tanete Riaja, Barru
  • Tanete Riattang Barat, Bone
  • Tanete Riattang Timur, Bone
  • Tanete Riattang, Bone
  • Tanete Rilau, Barru
  • Tanralili, Maros
  • Tellu Limpoe, Bone
  • Tellu Limpoe, Sinjai
  • Tellu Siattinge, Bone
  • Tellulimpo E, Sidenreng Rappang
  • Telluwanua, Palopo
  • Tempe, Wajo
  • Tikala, Toraja Utara
  • Tinggimoncong, Gowa
  • Tiroang, Pinrang
  • Tombolo Pao, Gowa
  • Tomoni, Luwu Timur
  • Tompobulu, Bantaeng
  • Tompobulu, Gowa
  • Tompu Bulu, Maros
  • Tondon, Toraja Utara
  • Tondong Talasa, Kepulauan Pangkajene
  • Tonra, Bone
  • Towuti, Luwu Timur
  • Turatea, Jeneponto
  • Turikale, Maros
  • Ujung Bulu, Bulukumba
  • Ujung Loe, Bulukumba
  • Ujung Pandang, Makassar
  • Ujung Tanah, Makassar
  • Ujung, Pare-Pare
  • Ulaweng, Bone
  • Uluere, Bantaeng
  • Wajo, Makassar
  • Walenrang, Luwu
  • Wara Selatan, Palopo
  • Wara, Palopo
  • Watang Pulu, Sidenreng Rappang
  • Watang Sawitto, Pinrang
  • Wotu, Luwu Timur


  1. ^ Biro Pusat Statistik, Jakarta, 2011.
  2. ^ Badan Pusat Statistik, Jakarta, 2021.
  3. ^ Badan Pusat Statistik, Jakarta, 28 February 2024, Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan Dalam Angka 2024 (Katalog-BPS 1102001.73)